They were thy brothers.
March-Stalkers Mighty extra
She wished to give her brothers pleasure, and plucked the twelve flowers, and thought she would present each brother with one while at dinner. But at the self-same moment that she touched the flowers the twelve brothers were changed into twelve ravens, and flew away over the forest, and the
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In the privacy of his head, he called it Righteousness - almost entirely sarcastically - because it was so distant, and so beleaguered, and so self-important, that it had no name for itself, as if it were the only real place in the world.
because it's so true. With the exception of Sam, and maybe Charlie, most of the humans don't even seem to be curious about the rest of the world. For Dean and probably a lot of others, the settlement and the land around it is the world. Gabriel knows more about humans elsewhere than all the local humans put together.
About Marie -- how isolated was the farmhouse? Would Gabriel already have known there were other people nearby?
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