Name: Whitney Elyse Bruce
A is for age: 18
B is for boyfriend: I don't have one.
C is for career: I'm in a band. But in real life, I'm just a poor student.
D is for dad's name: Ricky
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Cops. Always fun to give the kids a good scare.
F is for favorite song at the moment: "Tiny Dancer"...of course, that's what it's been for like, 5 years.
G is for girlfriend: I like boys. I mean, men.
H is for hometown: Wise
I is for instruments you play: Air guitar, I'm amazing.
J is for jam or jelly you like: I don't like jelly.
K is for kids: None. But eventually I may have 1 or 2.
L is for living arrangements: At home with mommy & daddy.
M is for mom's name: Roberta
N is for name of your best friend: Whitney
O is for overnight hospital stays: I was in the hosptial for a while as a baby.
P is for phobias: Mainly just clowns now.
Q is for a quote you like: "Never make someone a priority in your life if they only make you an option in their life."
R is for relationship that meant the most: This makes me sad. Next question, please.
S is for sexual position: Reverse cowgirl.
T is for time you wake up: Depends on the day, really.
U is for unique trait: I have 20 fingers. Of course, ten of those are toes..
V is for vegetable you love: Potato.
W is for worst trait: I trust too easily.
X is for x-rays you've had: Back, knee, wrist, chest...I'm sure that's not all.
Y is for yummy food you make: I make some damn good Macaroni & Cheese, ooh & the steak stuff I made tonight.
Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo...but I'm nothing like a Virgo. I'm an outcast.