2x1 recs

Jul 25, 2009 00:24

I *love* 2x1! It all started with this little fic called “Another Version of Events” by Karen Seraph. Though this fanfic is more 1x2 than 2x1, she wrote such steamy hot 2x1 with Heero dressed as a French maid or a bunny boy that I’ve been a slave to bottom Heero ever since and will read even horrible 2x1 just to get my fix.

However! Don’t dispare, this 2x1 list, may not be that big (I do plan on updating it eventually) but they are not ghastly 2x1’s. well, at least I don’t think so.

Added bonus: link to Another Version of Events

And, uh, don’t ask me why, but I seem to have an atrocious laziness about putting WIP where it is needed. Though some of them are WIP, and some of them hadn’t been updated in years when I rec’ed them, I just never seemed to think about it when I rec’ed them.

Title: Equine Arc: Equinity, Time Fault and Out, Going for Gold
Author: ShenLong
Pairings:1+2/2x1 or 2=1, 3x4, 13x6, H+C
Rating: varies between pg13 and nc17
Warnings: au, lemon, a bit of angst
Disclaimer: I think ShenLong secretly owns the g-boys, but just isn’t telling.
Summary: Heero is a successful up and coming Showjumping rider with his promising new horse Zero. A fall at a show renders the animal injured and it is up to Duo Maxwell the new vet to treat the horse.
link: http://www.gundam-wing-diaries.150m.com/gw/ShenLong/gw_Shenlong.htm
Why I like this fic: The Equine Arc is a fan-fic that moves slowly through the years, patently manipulating the reader into a story that is sweetly inspirational, and surprisingly action packed. Its unquenchable plot takes the reader through the life and happenings of two lovers, their own paths in life, and how they compliment each other. The scenes ShenLong creates are almost perceptible with the attention and detail she crafts into her settings, delivering a feel good atmosphere that has become one of the best stories I have ever read.

Title: Synopses
By: Scriptphobia
Pairings: 1x2x1 2x3x2 4x1 13x1
Warnings: AU, adult situations, angst
Rating: R
Link: http://scriptophobia.livejournal.com/29668.html#cutid1
Summery: Heero and Duo get a divorce.
Why I liked it: it’s a well written fic, though the other characters that are not Heero and Duo get very fleeting if not empty parts, but they are necessary to the story. What really makes this fic worth reading is the relationship, or lack there of, between Duo and Heero.

Title: the Edulcoration of Duo Maxwell
By: Mookie
Pairings: OCx1 2x1x2 4x1 4x3 5xM
Warnings: AU, yaoi, adult situations, prostitution, angst, drugs, death
Link: http://gwaddiction.com/p.php?id=2158&title=Edulcoration+Of+Duo+Maxwell%2C+The&author=Mookie&to=103&series=?=&last=&authorpage=Mookie.shtml&fic=./mookie/edm
Summery: Pretty Woman with Heero in the Julia Roberts role. Sorta.
Why I liked it: wow! This fic bowled me over. Intelligent, witty, fantastically written, detailed, every character marvelously entwined with each other, believable, perfectly perfect. I don’t know why it took me so long to rec this, because I’ve actually read this fic 3 times since coming across it about 2-3 years ago.

Title: Indigo Eye
By: jess-eklom
Pairings: 2x1
Warning: there be very sugary sweet 3x4 *gasp!*, AU, angst, ncs, yaoi,
link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2724853/1/
Summery: modern AU, Duo is an artist, Heero’s his muse.
Why I like it: Despite the oft abused plot line, this story is refreshing and kind of a sweet read. The characters come across as more real than I’m used to reading them, and as a result it doesn’t feel like fan fiction, but more like just ‘fiction’ ~ if that makes sense.

Title: Howl
By: Sol 1056
Warnings: AU, strangeness, religion, sex, violence
Rating: nc-17
Pairings: 2x1, 1xR, 2xR, 4x3, 5x3, 1x3, 4xC, 3xH, RxD, 5xM
Link: http://gwaddiction.com/p.php?title=Howl&author=Sol+1056&to=&series=?=&last=&authorpage=Sol.shtml&fic=./sol/howl
Why I liked it & Summery: The most awesome thing about this story is that it reads just like Ginsgurg’s poem, Howl. Set in a future AU world nothing like the GW universe, it shocks and sucks you in before the fist paragraph is done. Everything you thought you knew isn’t as it seems, plots twists, characters are different yet are the same, a political government nightmares are made of, DOA like intrigues, and a dog. note: don’t let the 1xR put you off, it did for me until curiosity got the better of me and now I regret not reading it when I first came across it. To ease your mind - this Releana is actually cool.

Title: Tissues and Cobblestones
By: Sol 1056
Pairing: 2x1
Rating: nc-17
Link: http://gwaddiction.com/p.php?title=Tissues+And+Cobblestones&author=Sol+1056&to=&series=&part=&last=&authorpage=Sol.shtml&fic=./sol/tissues
Summery: There’s a movie, there’s a nice Relena, there’s an alleyway, and there’s a lemon. Short and to the point.
Why I liked it: it’s one of the cutest and well written pwp I have ever come across.

Title: Mercury Rising
By: Jana
Piring: 2x1
Rating: R to nc-17
Warning: AU, sex, sex, sex, and deep conversations, sometimes deep conversations about sex, homophobia
Link: http://1x2x1.org/fiction/jana/mercury_rising01.htm
Summery: Heero is home for the summer, Duo is the pool boy. There is a sequel titled A Change in the Weather, and Torrid Zone, and a few smaller side stories for Mercury Rising, but some are 2x1, 1xOC, 1x1 and 1x2, but overall is 2x1
Why I like this fic: this is like the very long PWP that decided to have a little bit of plot thrown in for good angst and drama fun. Jana rocks my socks off with her writing, I knew I’d love the story from the first few paragraphs, so I’m all the more happy that she has written this fic and given us more. Oh, and I just adore her Duo in the fic! I think, this might actually be a fic I’m rec’ing more because of the Duo than the uke Heero, though the Heero in this story is well written too, Duo is a fully realized character that is very interesting to read.

Title: The Minute Arc
By: Katana
Warnings: Duo bastardizing, violence
Rateing: R to nc-17
Pairings: 2x1 and 4x1
Link: http://gwaddiction.com/katana/minuet.htm
Summery: The Colonies are now at war with each other, Earth has been placed under Quarantine, barred from Space indefinitely. Duo and Wufei are working for a section of Earthgov called the Foundation, together with Relena and Dorothy. Lady Une is still leading the Preventers, but Sally Po has broken away and joined an underground resistance movement, working with Zechs and Trowa, with Quatre's assistance, to try to stop the Foundation.
Why I liked it: terrific writing, and an electrifying plot that keeps you on your toes guessing. From start to finish the reader is moved through a plot of deception, where everyone believes the other of deceit. The plot starts off in one directions and ends in another, answering all questions and ending with more.

Title: The Way the World Ends
By: Faith1
Pairing: 2x1, 2xH
Rating: pg-13/R
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2425563/1/
Summery: sniffle.
Warning: sniffle
Why I liked it: sniffle.

Title: Put Away Wet
By: Merith
Pairings: 2x1
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: 2x1, AU, masturbation.
Link: http://www.templeofthegoddess.com/gundamwing/merith/putawaywet.html
Summery: Duo, the Wide Receiver, is having feelings for Heero, the openly gay track runner.
Why I liked it: Two horny teenage boys all alone, wet and naked in a locker room… nope, didn’t see that lemon coming!

Title: The signs
By: ShenLong
Pairings: 2x1, 1x2, 1=2
Rating: all over the map
Warnings: sex
Link: http://www.gundam-wing-diaries.150m.com/gw/ShenLong/Drabbles/Index.htm
Summery: the plot: you must obey the signs…
Why I liked it: because those perverted things are all over the place! Making for much happy smex.

Title: American Warewolf in Space
By: von and bonnejeanne
Rating: R to nc-17
Pairing: 2x1
Warning: violence, werewolves, slight AU
Link: http://gwaddiction.com/bonnevon/amwere.htm
Link to the series of AWiS: http://gwaddiction.com/bonnevon/classic.htm
Summery: set almost like GW universe, but with werewolves.
Why I liked it: Well, the title kinda gives everything away… everything but my opinion that is! TWO THUMBS UP!

Title: Boys, It's a Sweet Thing
By: Cassiopeia
Pairings: 3x1, OMCx3, 6x3
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: possible squick
Link: http://strangeplaces.net/silentpassion/fanfiction/boys2.htm
Summery: A look into the demented world of David Bowie's concept album, 'Diamond Dogs'. First in a trilogy of songfics, follows Trowa's journey of redemption.
Why I liked it: die hard Bowie fan, strange and interesting story, well written, and uke-Heero.

Title: First Kiss Delayed, and Proposal Suspended
By: Cobalt Kitty
Pairings: 2x1
Rating: pg-13 to R
Warning: set after EW
Link to FKD: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/920276/1/
Link to PS: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1753570/1/
Summery: Aww, the power of fluff. Hee-chan is really very sensitive and afraid of snakes. The first is a get together, and Proposal Suspended is it’s sequel that is a WIP that hasn’t been updated in like a year but it’s still cute to read.
Why I liked it: did I every tell you I’m a sucker for fluff? Well, I am. And get together fics as well.

Title: Just The Way You Are
By: Link Worshiper
Pairings: OCx1, 2=1/2x1
Raiting: R, nc-17
Warning: AU, romance, fluff, angst, yaoi
Link: http://www.underthebridge.org/fics/link/just_the_way_you_are.shtml
Summary: Duo isn't willing to let Heero go without a fight. But Heero is just too clueless to understand why Dou is acting the way he is.
Why I liked it: putting aside the fact that Link Worshiper is a wonderful writer who can truly write Duo and Heero in wonderfully believable ways, this story hit’s the spot in sweetness and humor, ending a breathtaking final. And I liked that clueless Heero wasn’t a stupid Heero, and that a jealous Duo wasn’t an annoying Dou.

Title: Crossed Wires
By: Sol 1056
Pairings: 1+2, 2x1, 3x4, 5xR
Rating: R, nc-17
Link: http://gwaddiction.com/p.php?title=Crossed+Wires&author=Sol+1056&to=&series=&part=&last=&authorpage=Sol.shtml&fic=./sol/crossed
Summery: the G-boys are all grown up, there are good things and bad things about this Duo has summarized. Duo and Heero share an apartment, and are good friends. When Heero goes through a break up, he forms a crush on Duo, who knows and accepts it while delighting in the attention he gets from Heero. When Heero starts dating again, Duo finds he misses Heero more than he thought he would, and tries to find a way to keep him.
Why I like it: there is more to this story than just a get together fic, or even discovering that you love someone. This story has all the complexities of a feel good romantic movie, where the main characters has to really overcome simple emotional boundaries to find the kind of happiness they were always looking for and never realized was always right before them.

Title: True North,
By: Miyabi
Pairings: 2x1
Warnings: AU, other characters exist but are not paired, taoi
Rating: pg-13 to R
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2241006/1/
summery: The story is loosely based on gw doujinishi called The Eternal Rhapsody. Duo and Heero are scientists and work for the same lab, but Heero died about 50 years before duo was born from a fatal illness. Duo falls in love, Doc’s J & G help him go back in time to meet Heero and vows to find a cure. So, Heero is placed in cold sleep until the cure is found, then wakes up to an older Duo and a teenage daughter.
Why I liked this fic: A love the transcends time and all hardships, all characters are fully realized, effortlessly walking in and out of the story without fault, to leave the reader spellbound to its embrace. I wish this writer would do more stories, even if they weren’t GW.

Love Education, by Androgene
Summery: After the war, Trowa confesses his love for Heero. Heero, reluctant at first, gives into his emotions, and they live happily ever after, until…
Warning: 3x1, angst, a real tear jerker if I ever read one!
Notes: The story’s foundation, the training and advancements Heero had to go through to become the Perfect Soldier will eventually kill/sicken/hurt him, has been done before, most of the time though it’s one of those “Suspend Belief” scenarios, but this one came across more real I had no problem reading this fic.

Love Emotion, by Androgene
Summery: Picks up five years after Love Education. Trowa has finally found his absentee lover, after all is done and said, can they make up for lost time with what little they have left?
Warning: 3x1, angst, a real tear jerker if I ever read one!
Notes: ditto to Love Education.

Murder Has Blue Eyes, by Shira
Summery: Someone wants Duo dead, and Heero is just the assassin to do it.
Warning: 2x1, AU, non-main character death, angst.
Note: Until the plot gets rollin’ the story is a bit long winded at some points, but other than that it’s well written, with a good story line.

Maxwell’s Demon
*You got he Ooo’s, the Awww’s, the chuckles, the WTF’s and the happily ever after. What more could you ask for? Well, Heero saying: "I'm going to fuck you stupid” and owning up to that statement is what I’d ask for ^.^!!! Warning:1x2x1

The Darker side of Duo Maxwell: the Other Side
*drool. Wow. drool. I was impressed and hooked with the plot, character description, and the very high-quality writing. Note: other GW stories on this site are just as good.

Thought Patterns
*Heero’s sense of humor in this fic is to die for!!! Warning: WIP with only 3 chapters, but it’s still a hoot!

The Virgin, by Bianca
A sweet and *very descriptive* 2x1 fic.

Pet Shop Boy, Miss Attitude, and Pet Hee-chan, by Ponderosa
*Slight crossover with Little Pet Shop of Horrors. Heero is a human pet, sold to Duo, lot’s of smex ensues.

Your Heart, My Heart, by Dia-chan
Have I ever mentioned that I’m a sap for… well, sap.

The Tale of Two Uke’s, by Triedunture
Meet Heero, he’s an Uke. Meet Duo, he’s an Uke too. Meet Zacks, he’s Seme. See Seme-Zacks date both Duo-Uke and Heero-Uke. Bad Zacks, bad. Now see Heero-Uke and Duo-Uke cackle while they get even with Seme-Zacks. Cackle, cackle. Uh-Oh, now Heero-Uke and Duo-Uke are making out. Ummm….? What’s an Uke to do when they make lemons with another Uke???

Title: One Eared Neko
By: Kaitsurinu
Pairing: 1x2x1
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, violence, bigotry
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1998955/1/
summery: “It's a time of high tensions and paranoia for mankind, and an aimless one for Heero Yuy. While trying to remedy the sense of something missing in his routine life, he suddenly decides to study a suspicious con artist, Duo Maxwell, on his paper on humanity.” taken from author’s summery. This author is more 1x2x1, but this story is a beautifully written 2x1, it’s a long read, but so freaken worth it!
Why I liked it: the author takes the reader on a intensely personal mediation of heroism and moral choices. Her style is rich and dreamlike in its telling, binding the reader with a captivating and violent charm. A powerful and though provoking piece, that wont leave the reader shell shocked in the end despite its ostensible journey through hell. A must read in my opinion.

Kaitsurinu has updated with the sequel to The One Eared Neko, a 1x2x1 Gundam Wing fic titled Pedigree. Both are worth reading because her writing is so well done, I’m shocked she is writing fan-fiction and not out making lot’s of money becoming a best selling author.

You can find her at: www.fanfiction.net/u/176174/

I also recommend How To Be Dead, and My Shinigami, My Hamburger. They are both very good reads. Her other fic’s, weather it be GW, or another fandom, are just as well written and beautiful.

shenlong, link worshiper, ponderosa, cobalt kitty, 4x1, gundam wing, miyabi, recs, sol 1056, kaitsurinu, gw fics, 3x1, yaoi, 2x1

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