Meet the Girls

Nov 30, 2005 21:02

Meet Lily!
Cintia Dicker


 The only thing about Cintia that needs to be changed is her eye color--green instead of blue.  And Lily's hair is like three inches shorter.  But otherwise, this is my Lily Marie Evans.

Meet Kate!
Kristen Bell

 So this is Lily's best, best friend, fellow Muggleborn Kate Adeline von Strassberg.  I picture Kate to be shorter than Lily and Georgie, very quirky, and pretty, but not supermodel pretty like Lily and Georgie (who actually happen to be supermodels...  Ha.)  Also, Kate's eyes should be grey.

Meet Georgina!
Anna Donne

 I couldn't find any other pictures of her, but this is Anna Donne (you can see her page on the European Ford Models website), aka Georgina Beatrice Vance, Lily's Pureblooded best friend.  Does she get flack for her middle name?  Of course she does.

Vittoria Sorentillo
Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco

 Sorry, guys.  I tried to find better pictures of her (especially one without a water mark), but I couldn't find any that were recent, since a lot of them were when she was younger.  Anyway, you guys haven't met Vittoria yet (she gets mentioned for the first time in like chapter 10, I think), but she's Lily's life-long friend, next door neighbour and surrogate sister.  Her family moved from Italy into the townhouse next door when Lily was only two, and they've known each other since.  Vittoria's a student, but she moonlights as a model.  I imagine Vittoria to be the type of girl who often wears things like tweed blazers, a pair of jeans and a silk tanktop jersey with David Yurman necklaces.

white tulips, cast pictures

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