I don't know if any of you are following it (or even know about it) but as the FIFA Women's World Cup is currently taking place, and there are several great female characters on White Collar, I thought a Girl's Week might just be the thing to do :)
Challenge #48 - "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"
Any and all female characters are welcome for this challenge, whether they are main characters, B-Characters or just had a one-episode appearance.
The boys have to stay in the van, though. :D If there is more than one person in your icon, please make sure, that the majority of the focus is on a female character.
♠ You may submit up to FIVE (5) icons
♠ You may use your own images or the ones provided below
♠ You can find screencaps at
rawr_caps and
mattbomerfan.com♠ Your entries must be original icons made for this challenge
♠ Icons must be within LJ standards (max. 100x100px, 40KB)
♠ Please submit your icons in a comment to this post
♠ Please submit both the image and the URL
♠ Please do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced
♠ Icons must be submitted by 11:00pm PST Thursday, July 7th
Example how to submit your icons:
http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i50/deedo_2313/Icons/Whitecollaric/example2icon1.png Icons so far: 13