I've waited an extra day, but only two people have entered their icons for the current challenge so far, which is probably due to everyone enjoying their summer/vacation. Sooo, I'm gonna extend it for another week.
We already have 9 gorgeous icons submitted but we need a few more! :)
The new deadline for Challenge #51 is 11:00pm PST Tuesday, August 23rd.
Please submit your icons in a comment to the challenge post.
Challenge #51 - "Camouflage" ♠ As you might have seen in the past few posts - after trying out several different formats - I've settled on one for posting the winner announcements.
♠ With the re-opening earlier this year we've gone from participants posting their icons in a separat entry to submitting them anonymously (for the other members, not me of course :) in a response to the challenge post. Since then the entries have remained screened.
Is anyone opposed to unscreening the challenge entries after the voting??
♠ To create a bit more transparency, members will be able to see the votes of the polls.
♠ And one last thing. I'm nearly through with the challenge schedule I drew up in spring, so I will have to think of new challenges soon. And you can help. I would be very very greatful if you could drop me a comment here with your suggestions for themes and special voting categories you would like to see in the future (even if we already had them). Thanks!
Side note: The outstanding banners are almost all finished. I'll have them posted tomorrow or Saturday.