FARENHEIT 9/11 and

Jun 29, 2004 09:08

This movie was amazing. It shined some light on the deceptive Bush administration. I have never liked the man, so this movie really gave me some good evidence to back up my thoughts. Even if you like Bush, you should see this movie - if nothing more than to defend him in your mind. The links in between President Bush and the BinLaden family are ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

king_nor June 29 2004, 14:55:07 UTC
well, you know how i feel about that movie.


emostevo June 29 2004, 17:45:08 UTC
You make it sound like US soldiers are running around killing any iraqi they see. You know that shit isnt like that. ugh. Michael Moore makes me sick. He is nothing but a fucking propagandist. Killing babies? Wtf are you talking about? I want to know, seriously. Have you ever SEEN a video of a soldier shooting a baby? Im curious and want to know.

I think its funny that you said that to trey, but I'm still pissed off at you for the first part of post.


king_nor June 29 2004, 23:12:11 UTC
I saw a video of soldiers killing children. but it was in Israel on the Gaza Strip, done by some Palastian terrorist. quite disturbing.
I think you would like what i said on my lj, come take a look.


king_nor June 29 2004, 23:16:16 UTC
i heard a bout an insident where the captured footage of Israelis killing Palastian children. And then when you here why your even more disturbed. What happened was that the Palastian's decided to make a march in the Gaza Strip and they took a bunch of children and had them march through a land mined area with a few bombs to attack a jewish town. there is a lot of fucked up shit going on over there.


whitedaysies June 30 2004, 18:24:44 UTC
I don't have a damned thing against US Soldiers. In fact, I have much respect and honor for them.. for you. I never said a soldier shot a baby, they set off bombs, and those bombs killed babies. And ofcourse you cant completely prevent civilian casualties. Nevertheless, in the outcome of the war (and this is derived from sources OTHER than Michael Moore), there were over 400 (more, but I'm not sure of the number) US soldiers that died and hundreds of civlivians in Iraq, and for what? To catch one guy that wasn't even the initiator of the 9.11 attacks? WTF is up with that? And before you go dissing Michael Moore, atleast go see his movie. Can you seriously tell me that Bush isn't an idiot?????


A time to drink Takeza! stabbingnemo June 30 2004, 18:41:34 UTC
ok so nigel is in New Jersey, Trey sucks and yes we all know hes a nut case, its funny if corinne is still in love with thomas(im sorry but it is), have fun in houston for the 4th, and miss hangin with ya but Ill drink a shot for ya on the 4th, and me and pk leave in 2 weeks for Coast Guard!!!!!! -LATA!


Re: A time to drink Takeza! whitedaysies August 20 2004, 13:46:57 UTC
you need help danny, and a lot of it



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