Sep 28, 2010 00:26

[[It's totally stuck in your head now.]]

[Private to self; moooostly unhackable]
I never thought I'd be so happy to mop floors again, after that weekend. It's still a crappy job but... At least it was just a stupid prank after all. It took forever to convince Rose everything was alright. I guess that's what counts most of all.

I kind of forgot about all those Pidgies and Rattatas I caught while I was in Kanto. They were just sitting in the computer so I decided to let them go. It's just Gamera, Blacky and me now. After she joined the team it just doesn't feel right keeping any of them cooped up in those Pokeballs all day. How do they work anyway? I wouldn't mind adding more to my Pokedex though. Now that I think about if, I should probably have him battle more before I challenge Brock. He's just helps me battle floor stains sometimes, I don't think that really counts. There are a lot of Pokemon on campus.

[Private to Blacky; moooostly unhackable]
Hey, Blacky. YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO LISTEN TO ME AND I'M NOT GOING TO UNDERSTAND WHY. I remember Uxie telling me there were a lot of different types of pokeballs. Was there any type that you'd like more for yours? If I can afford it.

[Private to Brock; moooostly unhackable]
Hey Brock, how'd the date go?

My car looks... I don't even know how to describe it.

Hey, Goose. Was that you flying around in the air a couple of weekends before...?


*raikov, gonna b a pokemon masta, my caaaar!, *brock, blackyyyyyy, *blacky, #text, *mac, just another day, %location: td-03, *goose, gamera

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