В Британии вводят выездные визы (travel declaration forms)

Mar 11, 2021 09:03

Появление без них на пунктах посадки с целью пересечения границы будет являться преступлением и наказываться 200 фунтами штрафа для начала.


Anyone hoping to travel abroad from England now requires what amounts to an exit permit. Outbound passengers must complete a “Declaration to Travel” and have it ready at the airport, ferry port or international rail station.

These are the essential answers.

What has happened?
At present all holidays - at home or overseas - are illegal under the “stay-at-home” rule that applies for all residents of the UK.

International travel is allowed only for a limited number of exemptions, including work, urgent family matters and medical treatment.

From England, anyone who enters “a port of departure to travel internationally” without a completed form is committing a criminal offence - even if they are legally entitled to travel - and faces a fixed penalty of £200.

The new law says: “A person who is present at an embarkation point for the purpose of travelling from there directly or indirectly to a destination outside the United Kingdom must have with them a completed travel declaration form.”

Рацпредложения, ВНЕЗАПНО, Свободные страны, Красиво жить не запретишь

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