Hmm that would take quite a bit to write out. On the one add that we made I couldn't figure out a good way to sum it up so it said "Sometimes there are legacies that become stories, but what if the story itself was the legacy? Sometimes the story tells us..."
I went with that because in Legacy I made my own little world. If you want you can email me you email address @ and I'll send you the preview issue as well as some of the pictures we had. I think that's the best overview I had without actually giving away my overall plot (since I really do want to publish it one day :) )
Still working on your drabble thing :) Sorry it's taking so long but I had a pretty good idea for it and I'm picky about writing stories.
oh! and you can comment on my blog btw - just sign it as "other" and it will give you the option of putting a name on your comment post :) and add=ad....oopps :)
Comments 9
I went with that because in Legacy I made my own little world. If you want you can email me you email address @ and I'll send you the preview issue as well as some of the pictures we had. I think that's the best overview I had without actually giving away my overall plot (since I really do want to publish it one day :) )
Still working on your drabble thing :) Sorry it's taking so long but I had a pretty good idea for it and I'm picky about writing stories.
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