Two Oh Oh Six

Nov 03, 2006 23:29

I have done a complete 180 from where I was at the beginning of this year. I'm pretty sure that this year has gone by way too fast. I did alot of growing up, and then I did alot of growing away from people. My best friends have changed. I've changed. It's been for the better of course. It was hard. I had a really, really hard time there for awhile ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

anonymous April 21 2007, 03:29:32 UTC
You were on Zoloft and I was on Paxil (which, by the way, DOES NOT leave this comment)...I'm glad that you have started succeeding against your troubles, that makes one of us...the only thing that I can do now is just not care (sarcasm and an ego are the only things that keep me sane)...but, once again, I'm glad you're back on track...maybe I'll be able to find some victory ground in the future, I don't know...(oh, and I know I just met you, but this blog piece related too much...had to comment somehow)


anonymous April 21 2007, 03:30:17 UTC
wooooah MARA... sounds like you had a lot on your plate and most people, like uahh... ME, didn't even know it! oh well, you only really open up to those who take the time to listen. Sorry I wasn't there to listen enough. BUT, I defenatly wish you the best of luck in 2007, but it's not about luck, it's about learning. And by the looks of it, you've got that!




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