Fandom: Off*Beat
Rating: G-PG
Pairing:Light, one-sided Paul/Tory
Disclaimer: Off*Beat is
Jen Lee Quick's, who is amazing and wonderful and releasing a third volume FINALLY.
Notes: Written in perhaps fifteen minutes, unbeta'd, short.
He knew he shouldn't mooch, he really did, but it was yet another case of knowing-versus-feeling. He felt hungry, and he didn't feel like making anything. It was easier (and healthier, given his track record with cooking) to simply grab what would have been Tory's supper.
The kid wouldn't eat it, anyway. He was out *again*, at the library. Just like he had been out yesterday, and last Saturday, and most of the week before that. He was acting odder and odder about those visits, too, tonight he had angsted over his clothes for nearly ten minutes before leaving. If he didn't know better...
Paul realized he had been standing in front of the open fridge thinking this whole time, and grabbed the saran-wrapped plate with a blush.
...if he didn't know better, then he'd say Tory liked Colin. He was always with him, after all, and he fussed over his clothes around him, and he did strange things. Obsessive, creepy strange things.
Like those notebooks. Recording every single detail about Colin, down to the time...
He sat down sideways in a chair and took a heaping bite of cold rice.
...and , you know, would it kill him to focus on someone else for a while?
He stopped chewing momentarily to process this. It wouldn't be so bad to have Tory focus on him, he could do without the note-taking, though. No, it wouldn't be too bad at all to have Tory's green eyes looking at him so intently, or to finger his wild red hair, or to have him angst over clothes...
He took a last bite of cold rice, and stood to dump his plate in the sink.
...that last one would be kind of funny, actually. What was it he had heard on the Simpsons? Oh - "there's a time for everything, and that time is college". Heh.
The plate clattered noisily into the sink, and he took off, slinging a jacket over one shoulder. That time was officially now.