
Feb 22, 2005 20:46

683,000 forcible rapes occur every year, which equals 56,916 per month, 1,871 per day, 78 per hour, and 1.3 per minute. (National Victim Center and Crime Victim Research and Treatment Center, 1992)

The best available estimates of child abuse in the United States are found in studies conducted by the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect of ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Sigh anarchysprey999 February 22 2005, 21:17:27 UTC
I know and I want you to know that I will always ask you for help.


The sad truth: curlygirl55555 February 23 2005, 08:16:17 UTC
~That some victims don't even know their victims til it's too late.

~That most women will be a victim at some point in their lives.

~Most males never report that they're a victim. (leaving those numbers incorrectly low.)



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