OOC: Relationships

Sep 20, 2014 15:51

LAST UPDATED: 9/20/2010

I decided to finally do this. I will warn you that Aizen is terribly critical of others, and his opinions of other people are very rarely favorable beyond "could make a decent subordinate". List is alphabetical.

Asuka (forgottenbaika ): Asuka lives with Kagami, as he feels it is important to keep someone that he sees as being spineless and loyal very close. He can tell she doesn't trust him, and that's all the more reason to keep her close. She's kind of more like a pet to him than anything else, and he's shaping her into what he wants her to be. He thinks that she will be a fine cover, once he does start poking around the sphere.
Pings for: Momo Hinamori, and a little bit of Shinji Hirako.

Bellflower (wayofflowers ): Kagami thinks she's a bit rude, honestly. He has tried to approach her and be polite and inviting, and she seems to be avoiding him and shrugging him off. This does not sit well with him, but he won't force himself on her. If she won't accept him, she is a fool.
Pings for: Nobody yet.

Blood (pinkhairedchild ): She is a child, but not one to be underestimated. She simply is to be misled like the others, though she still has a child's temperament. He's still deciding if she will be of use or not.
Pings for: Yachiru Kusajishi

Crimson (crimsonmischief ): Oh god Crimson. Seriously, Kagami thinks he's an infantile fool. No grown man should be running about in a ball pit and throwing balls at another. HAVE SOME DIGNITY, MAN.
Pings for: Nobody yet. If Crimson does anything that can be of use, he might ping Kagami for his canon self, but right now he doesn't strike him for anyone.

Lin (sting_to_death ): Lin is nosy, man. Way too nosy. She was asking him about his dream, and Kagami just made something up to tell her. However, she showed him that he could fight, so she's not completely useless. She just wouldn't make a good subordinate- she asks too many questions.
Pings for: A little Soi Fong, I suppose.

Monster (penniferous ): Monster is innocent, and is someone else that Kagami thinks could provide good cover for him. At the very least, she will be amusing to toy with.
Pings for: Momo Hinamori

Snake (kamishininoyari ): Kagami actually kind of likes Snake. Doesn't trust him, but he likes him, for whatever reason. Snake is amusing to watch on the journals, and Kagami feels that, with a little work, he could be useful.
Pings for: Well...Gin, of course.

Stoneface (stonyfaced ): HIS BOSS. Kagami dislikes being ordered around by someone else or told what to do, so Stoneface's method of just dropping off paperwork and letting Kagami get to it suits him well enough. He still thinks the man is a fool, and one day he'll have Stoneface either dead or as a subordinate. He also doesn't like that he doesn't get any actual Watch reports, but he's being patient and trying to win Stoneface over.
Pings for: A little Shinji Hirako, a little Yamamoto.

Youth (spandexisyouth ): Youth game him a lot of information when he first arrived, so he thought at first that the man was either a fool or a fake. His second conversation with Youth over the journals about the nature of reality only cemented the thought that the man is a simpleton.
Pings for: No one in particular.


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