Aug 16, 2010 03:06
- 17:13:16: Don't fly Southwest. A party on the same cc they make you board by number. And when you log in by one click get different numbers.
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Aug 11, 2010 03:06
- 08:58:48: RT @aaronmentele: Nothing much against Google, but calling them anything other than an advertising company is naive. Thanks for the laugh.
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Aug 10, 2010 03:07
- 09:27:48: Karma was swift this morning. While hurrying to squish an earwig, I twisted my knee a bit. Awesome to see the universe at work. lol
- 20:27:18: RT @fraying: People who talk about the ancient history of marriage should remember that it used to mean the man OWNED the woman.
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Aug 09, 2010 03:06
- 20:05:53: Feel free to ignore my copy editing since it is mainly because centered copy makes me itch.
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Aug 07, 2010 03:07
- 09:45:17: What do you think of lines? A sign of civilization or signal of the breakdown of society?
- 16:09:28: Can someone please tell me why the hell IE 6 still exists and I'm poised to spend at least 8 hrs writing hacks for a 9 year old browser?
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Aug 06, 2010 03:07
- 09:04:21: According to the radio, barber shop signs are red and white to symbolize a bloody bandaged arm (blood letting) Ew.
- 10:38:26: God damned bloody ##$ *&^%$ cold in here.
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Aug 04, 2010 03:08
- 10:11:46: "..what a savage and beautiful country lies in between" me and those damned goats in the morning.
- 10:30:17: @ dooce Awesome post! Reminds me of Emily D. :) "Because I could not stop for Death -
He kindly stopped for me - ..."
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