Jul 20, 2010 03:07
- 11:00:16: RT @gcgarvey: RT @chesapeakfoodie: #shakespalin Look how she rubs her hands... Out, damned spot! This is the last time I use a sharpie.
- 11:10:15: "And thus I clothe my naked villany
With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ,
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil." #shakespalin
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Jul 17, 2010 03:07
- 08:37:53: I just talked to surfer dude for a roll over mutual fund account.
- 09:35:07: After being prompted at a work lunch, I signed up this morning for a glass blowing class. Stoked!
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Jul 15, 2010 20:23
Happy Belated Birthday racerxmachina! I am sorry it is so late but darn work is, well, keeping me working all day! yeesh. :) I hope you had a good day and all the best wishes to you.
Jul 14, 2010 03:09
- 08:32:55: I had totally weird dreams about writing weeds in Javascript. Awake, I cannot even fathom what I was thinking.
- 09:01:14: A chopstick works like a charm for pitting cherries... Just be careful to not stab your hand.
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Jul 09, 2010 03:07
- 16:27:29: Mehserle only got involuntary manslaughter.
- 22:09:08: Software by Barry: let's build a pickup first and see if it goes then bolt on the Mercedes parts.
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