Whilst some inventions and gadgets in the world are fantastic and designed to make life so much easier, I definitely will not be in any rush to buy these Japanese inventions! Well worth the laugh though!!!
Hi! Im very appreciative of dad inviting people to view my page, it all seemed a bit pointless for me to actually post anything seems it was only ever him that saw it, and I really only wanted the account to make commenting on his page easier. But maybe I will be inclined to continue making entries!
Yes the helmet is great, but I love the noodle fan. And the absurdity of the toilet paper roll on the head I find hilarious!
Comments 5
I definitely want the first object (helmet with suction for when you fall asleep on public transport - because I always do!!!!)
Yes the helmet is great, but I love the noodle fan. And the absurdity of the toilet paper roll on the head I find hilarious!
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