Title: Tales Told Out of Turn Part 8/?
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Pairing/Grouping: House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Crossover w/Stargate: Atlantis (you don't need to know much about Stargate to get this fic.)
Summary: House spent way too much time moving around the world as a child and some places had more interesting people than others. How much trouble can a childhood friend cause?
Warnings: Hurt!Chase makes an appearance, although the harm is done prior to this fic. Mentions are made, but no graphic discriptitions. (And I fix him, so it's really about the healing not the hurt.)
recrudescence (Part 7) ****
O’Neill moved over in front of Thor as the door to the room slid open. He could feel Thor starting to move to try to see as Cameron stormed in and he shifted to keep the short alien out of view.
"Do your own clinic hours from now on."
House cocked his head to one side. "Having a bad day?"
"Oh, you could say that." Cameron glared as she shifted her hands to her hips. "The next time someone demands a penile swab, you get to do it."
House raised his eyebrows. "Do I want to hear this?"
"I don’t care if you do or not."
"What, ah, what happened?" Wilson shifted uncomfortably as Cameron turned her glare on him.
"I had a patient in clinic demand a swab when it was obvious he had a rash from dehydrated skin. Which was probably due to all the nicotine gum he was plowing through."
"And you’re complaining to me because you got to play with some idiot’s penis?"
Cameron turned back towards House and huffed. "No. I’m complaining because, while doing your clinic hours, I got told that as a female I should be home barefoot and pregnant. At least that was the gist of it." Cameron glanced up at the ceiling. "Oh, and he called me stupid."
O’Neill could see House bite the inside of his cheek before saying, "Well…"
Wilson stood up and started to herd Cameron towards the door. "I’ll get House to make Foreman do the remaining clinic hours for this week as soon as he can stand up without falling over. Go complain to Cuddy about the patient, okay?"
With Cameron finally out of the room, O’Neill turned to Thor. "Have you hit your oversized head lately?"
Thor blinked up at him before moving around the end of Sheppard’s bed to stand in front of Chase, near House. "I have not injured myself, O’Neill. I wished to see Chase once again."
Chase made a small bowing motion with his upper body, which Thor repeated. House reached out and lightly touched Thor’s elbow. Thor turned to look at House.
"Nice gray color, not green at all." House ran his finger over a tiny patch of skin at Thor’s elbow. "So…Roswell?"
Thor sighed and turned more towards House. "O’Neill has said you are an intelligent person."
House glanced at O’Neill, who had his eyes buried in one hand. "He’s known me all of a half-hour, why take his word?"
Thor tilted his head slightly. "O’Neill is very intelligent."
"Hey, don’t ruin my cover."
House would have sworn Thor rolled his eyes, except there were no distinguishable pupils to roll. Thor gestured to Chase.
"Chase has heard the story. Lighting is not fun to play with, as O’Neill would say."
House watched Thor’s movements with great interest. "Why no clothes?"
Wilson moved quickly and smacked House on the arm. "Shut up, House."
Thor blinked several times. "It is all right, Dr. Wilson, I have become accustomed to the curiosity of humans." Thor held out a hand for House to examine. "As a race, the Asgard have not used clothes in centuries. I have seen where they are helpful to humans, though the insistance on coverings is amusing at times." Thor turned back to Chase. "You are doing well?"
Chase shrugged. "Not dying of hunger or thirst."
Thor blinked. "If you had not decided to abandon your vehicle, you would not have been in such an unhealthy state when I first met you."
Chase watched House carefully turn over Thor’s arm. "It quit."
"I have been informed that most vehicles do not continue to function after all of the fuel is consumed."
Wilson snapped his eyes away from staring at Thor to stare at Chase. "You ran out of gas?"
Chase glanced at Wilson and heaved a sigh. "I didn’t care at the time. I could walk, so I did."
Thor glanced at his hand as House curled and uncurled the thin fingers. "From Loki’s data you appeared to have gone without food or sleep for several days prior to leaving the vehicle."
Chase snorted. "I was busy."
"You were running away from yourself; everyone does that at some point. Usually most people don’t take several thousands of miles to accomplish it, though." House ran a thumb over the side of Thor’s hand. "Weird not having the fourth finger."
Thor pulled his hand for House’s grasp. "The cloning process has had its disadvantages."
Wilson’s eyebrows went up. "You’re a clone?"
Rodney snorted. "Just the body. Thor’s mind was copied into the new body from the old one."
House tapped his cane against Rodney’s bed. "You clone parts, or just whole bodies?"
Thor cocked his head. "O’Neill has expressed Dr. McKay’s suggestion for attempting to fix your injury, Dr. House."
House froze for a few moments before carefully thumping the cane tip on the floor. "Yeah?"
"Perhaps you would be able to help me in return for attempting to fix your leg."
House shifted forward in his chair. "What kind of help?"
Thor cocked his head as though he was listening and suddenly in front of them a hologram appeared. "This is an image of the part of O’Neill’s gene that is believed to give him the ability to manipulate Ancient technology." A second and third hologram appeared beside the first. "This is the same gene in Chase and Dr. McKay."
"Mine’s artificial. Carson figured out how to give it to about half the people he injected. We call it the ATA gene."
Thor nodded once. "Yes, but we do not understand why it worked as it did. Nor is it understood why Chase’s gene ceased to work after he was held by Loki."
Wilson studied the images as he tried to remember where he’d seen that sequence before.
House frowned at the images for a moment before refocusing on Thor. "What did Loki do to cause that?"
"I had believed Loki inserted something into the DNA sequence, but I was unable to find anything wrong."
Wilson snapped his fingers. "Got it."
House turned towards Wilson. "Got what?"
Wilson looked at House through the hologram. "Colorblindness."
Sheppard snorted. "No one we know of with the gene is colorblind."
Wilson flitted a hand at the holograms. "And Chase will insist he’s not colorblind either, but he’ll still pass you the wrong color marker." Wilson pointed at a spot on one of the holograms. "See this? This sequence is in Chase’s DNA, but not in the others. Up to there, it matches the gene we think causes colorblindness almost perfectly."
House frowned. "This ATA gene, it’s recessive, mostly white males; very few females have it, right?"
O’Neill dropped to sit on the edge of Sheppard’s bed. "Huh, yeah, pretty much."
House nodded. "Fits." House pointed at the hologram of Chase’s DNA. "Don’t suppose you checked this against DNA from before he met your relative?"
Thor blinked. "I will check the Daniel Jackson’s records." Thor disappeared in a flash of light.
House turned to Rodney. "I thought he was a person, not a ship."
"The Asgard name ships after people that save their asses often enough." Rodney shrugged. "There was an O’Neill once, but Carter blew it up."
"She saved a homeworld doing that." O’Neill grimaced. "Would have liked to have flown the ship for a while before it blew."
Sheppard rubbed the bandage on his chest. "Is that the same homeworld the Asgard sank into that artificial black hole Rodney bitches so much about?"
O’Neill sighed. "I never did ask."
Wilson looked up from the holograms that still hung in the air. "Black hole?"
Rodney made a rude noise. "At least that black hole wasn’t going to shallow the Midwest."
Chase turned to look at Rodney. "Do we want to know?"
Rodney scrunched up his noise. "Probably not." He gestured to O’Neill. "He saved the world."
O’Neill rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to sleep. The whole time thingy was giving me a headache."
House nodded. "Time delineation near the event horizon would be a bitch to deal with. Although how we ended up with a black hole event horizon anywhere near the Midwest is a good question."
O’Neill snorted. "Yeah, Carter never did get it explained in small enough words to follow." The door started to slide open again. "Crap."
Rodney pulled the covers further up his chest. "This just isn’t my day."
House laughed as Cuddy turned from closing the door behind her.
Cuddy stood and stared at the holograms. "What the hell are those?"
The holograms abruptly disappeared. House twirled his cane. "Magic."
Cuddy rolled her eyes. "Never mind. I don’t even want to hear it." She moved to stand in front of House. "I just got done trying to smooth Cameron’s ruffled feathers. I wanted you to know that I’ve banned a local police officer from the hospital except for emergency treatment."
"This the penile swab guy?"
Cuddy sighed. "Yes, and I don’t even want to think what would have happened if it had been you instead of her."
House shrugged. "Probably would have stuck a …"
Wilson poked House in the shoulder. "Remember that discussion we had about workplace violence?"
House used his cane to poke Wilson in the side. "I remember I didn’t care."
Cuddy rubbed a temple. "As Cameron’s supervisor, you need to know that she’s has made a sexual harassment complaint against the police officer."
House nodded. "Good, great, hope it works out for her." House pointed at the door with his cane. "Go away so I can go back to talking to an alien."
Cuddy sighed. "I don’t know why I even bother talking to you." Cuddy turned to Wilson. "When he’s done visiting with his patient, make him go home for the night, please."
Wilson nodded, followed Cuddy to the door, and leaned against it once it was closed. "House!"
House drummed his fingers against Rodney’s bedrail. "What? It wasn’t like she was going to believe anything that comes out of my mouth."
"Not Wilson’s point, House." Chase touched House’s cane with his foot. "You aren’t supposed to say anything to anyone, not even as a joke."
House sighed. "Then someone needs to remind Thor to turn off the lightshow."
(Part 9)