Title: Young Service (the extended edition)
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: NC-17
Summery: Written for a Star Trek XI Kink Meme prompt that asked for hooker!Jim/McCoy. This is an extended version of what's on the comm. If you don't want to read the kinky, kinky part just go to the comm here:
Young Service (the short version)Warnings: Contains graphic violence towards a OC that hurts Jim, rape, fisting, sounding, and questionable content. You ever watch those cop shows where the prostitutes talk nonchalantly about being raped before? Well, Jim is rather like that in this.
Also posted on AO3 at:
Young Service ****
The first thing Leonard thought about the kid was that he needed food. He glanced at the obivious display as he walked past. The kid didn't even look at him, not really. It was Leonard that couldn't stop thinking about the kid.
He made a detour on his way to his favorite diner and stopped in the doorway of a closed shop to watch the kid work. He looked really young, and although thin as a rail, he didn't look sick or drugged.
Leonard watched how the kid picked men and then went on to his diner. He didn't approach the kid for another week. When he did approach the kid smiled a false wide smile at him.
"Wanna date?"
Leonard motioned to the alley and the kid walked with him. The kid moved well, not signs of badly healed breaks or limping. They stopped in the first reseed doorway they came to.
"What do you want?"
"You clean, kid?"
The grin returned and the kid dropped to his knees. "Yeah, actually." The kid pulled out Leonard's cock and sucked it in.
"Goddammit." He laid a hand on the kid's head as he started to bob. Leaning back against the wall behind him, Leonard gazed down at kid's face, his closed eyes. Listening to the sounds being made as the kid pulled on him with his sucking.
The kid wrapped his hands around the back of Leonard's thighs as he went down on him as far as the kid could. Leonard grunted as he poured down the kid's throat.
The kid pulled off with a slurp and grinned up at him as he tucked Leonard's dick. "Good?"
Leonard petted the kid's hair for a moment and then helped the kid stand. "Better than good, kid. You got a name?"
The kid wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. "You can call me Jim." The kid held out his hand, plam up.
Leonard blinked and then realized what the kid was asking for. "You going to use what I pay you for drugs?"
The eyeroll was impressive. "Gotta eat." The kid made a grabby motion with his hand.
Leonard nodded. "Alright, let's go eat."
Jim blinked. "What?"
Leonard started off down the alley and the kid was forced to follow or not get paid. "You're hungry, I'm hungry. There's this great fucking diner around the corner."This way I know you spent it on food."
With a snort the kid bumped shoulders with him. "Doesn't mean anything. You can't save me."
Leonard nodded. "Wasn't trying. You look like you could be a good fuck, but you're all bones. I got enough bones."
The kid grinned. "Bones. That's a good name for you. I'll call you Bones."
It took several weeks of blow jobs followed by food for Leonard to decide the kid really was clean and not using anything. He walked past the knot of boys and Jim broke out of them to walk with him.
"Hey, Bones."
"Jim." Leonard let the kid hook his arm with his own. "Bad?" The kid didn't usually get clingly, or wanted touched that much for that matter.
"You willing to buy me for a night?" The kid grinned his special fake grin, but it was watery and that bothered Leonard.
"Can I afford it?" Leonard lay his free hand over the kid's grip to make sure he could keep ahold of Jim if he suddenly decided to run.
"I'll give you a discount."
Leonard nodded and lead them to his place. It wasn't much and there wasn't anything the kid could steal really. Although he was inclined to think that Jim wouldn't steal from him unless it was really bad. "Shoes off, kid."
The kid kicked off his shoes and he was all stiff in his movements. Leonard srpawled on his couch and motioned the kid over.
"How bad, Jim?"
The kid shrugged. "Just, you know, it got rough." The kid pulled his shirt off and when he truned to shuck his tight pants, Leonard got a look at the mess some idiot had made of Jim's back.
Leonard skimmed his hand over one of the bigger welts and the kid hissed. "Not into pain?"
The kid gave him the weak smile. "Sure, just without the not stopping when I say stop part."
Pulling the kid onto his lap, Leonard petted the kid's hair. "Sorry, kid."
Jim flashed him the nearly happy smile. "Wanna fuck me, Bones?"
Leonard gripped the kid by his hair. "Yeah, I do. First I'm going to fix your back. I'm a doctor."
The kid blinked. "Huh."
Leonard rummaged around until he found his regen unit. "Kneel so I can get at your back." He started on the worst welt as Jim leaned into the couch.
Leonard splayed Jim's legs and pressed them wide. The kid hooked his hands behind his knees and held himself open and exposed. "Just like that. You're prefect like that."
He slicked his fingers and worked the kid open, enjoying the little huffs of air and tiny noises the kid made. Twisting his fingers got Jim to dig his fingers into his own skin.
"Fuck, Bones. Do it, do it. Fuck, please."
Leonard pressed the fingers of his free hand into the kid's mouth. "Quiet, boy."
The kid dropped one knee out to the side and started storking himself lightly. Leonard slowed the thrust of his fingers to enjoy the show. When Jim's toes started curling, Leonard pulled out and thrust in with his slicked cock.
Jim arched his back and Leonard stilled, panting as he adjusted to the heat. He pulled back and thrust in again. Jim pulled on his cock.
"I...can clench." Jim grunted as Leonard changed angles and started hitting his prostate.
Leonard nodded and then groaned as the kid's ass tightened. He snapped his hips forward over and over, driving himself into the kid. Jim took it and lolled his head to the side as he jacked himself in time to Leonard's thrusts.
Wrapping his hand around the base of Jim's shaft, Leonard came, pumping himself into the kid's ass. "Don't come."
Jim strained for a moment and then relaxed. "Bones." He voice was rough and desprate.
Leonard pulled out and slicked the kid's erection. He worked himself open with a minimuim of fuss as the kid lowered his legs. Gripping Jim's shaft, Leonard pressed himself down onto the kid.
"Ooooh." Jim's hands went to Leonard's hips. "God, Bones."
Leonard bounced a little. "Feels good, kid."
Jim whimpered and Leonard started fucking himself. Jim started to thrust up and Leonard ground down onto the kid.
"My money, my show. You just lay there."
Jim nodded shakily. Leonard fucked himself on the kid's thick cock until his thighs started to strain. He wrapped his hand around the kid's wrists and put them over Jim's head. Then he clenced his ass and hissed, "Cum, boy."
Arching up, Jim shuddered and Leonard milked Jim with his ass until the kid went limp. Pulling off, Leonard flipped the cover over the kid's body as he went to get a washcloth.
Leonard watched the kid sleep for almost an hour before shaking him awake. "Hungry?"
The kid lit up and then it dampened. "Is it morning?"
Leonard shook his head. "Nah. Come on. You can eat and then I'll fuck you again."
The kid bounced down the hall. "Finally decided I'm clean, huh?"
"Decided I couldn't resist your skinny ass." Leonard let the kid pick what he wanted from the food Leonard had laid out. "How much do I owe you for the night?"
Jim licked his lip as he sat down at Leonard's table. "You healed up my back, Bones. I think I owe you."
Leonard carded his fingers through the kid's hair as he ate. "You could work it off."
Jim glanced up at him from under his eyelashes and stuffed his face with food. He watched Leonard clean up the kitchen as he chewed. "Could take a while."
Pulling the kid up, Leonard spread him over the table next to his empty plate. He spread Jim's ass cheeks and tested the kid's hole. "I'm not saving you."
Jim sighed as Leonard thrust into him. "I know."
Leonard wrapped the kid in the covers and lay staring up at the ceiling. The kid would go back out in the morning and Leonard could do little about it. He wrapped the kid in his embrace and thought about what to do. He knew the kid was smart and Leonard was smart enough to know there was something that had pushed the kid to this life and kept him there. The kid whimpered and Leonard petted Jim's hair until he quieted with a mutter.
He watched the kid sleep and eased him through several nightmares. When it was early, but not too fucking early, Leonard shook the kid awake. He watched as the kid lit up again, only to dampen as he glanced at the clock.
"Morning, huh?" The kid stretched.
Leonard nodded. "Yeah, but you don't have to go yet."
Jim licked his lip. "Yeah?" He sprawled against the pillows, displaying himself.
"Yeah." Leonard pulled the covers off the kid. "I'm going to fuck you again and then you'll shower and have some breakfast."
The kid hooked his hands behind his knees and spread himself wide. He smiled the happy, but sad smile. Leonard slicked his fingers and pressed in causing the kid to arch up. Thrusting deep, Leonard nipped at the kid's calf. Jim gasped and started to stroke himself. Leonard slapped his hand away.
"Not this time, boy. You are mine to use."
Jim reached up instead and started twisting his nipple. "Yes, yours, Bones."
Leonard pulled his fingers out and lined up with his slicked cock. He thrust in hard and watched Jim's eyes flutter closed. Thrusting deep and smooth, Leonard groped the kid's cock, but didn't stroke it. Jim groaned and pulled harder on his nipple.
"You like the pain, boy?"
Jim's eyes snapped open and he stared at Leonard. "Like...it. Yes."
Gripping the boy's thigh, Leonard pounded him as he pinched the nipple Jim wasn't playing with. The kid's dick twitched and Leonard let go of Jim's thigh to storke it. He timed it so he was thrusting in as he went down the kid's shaft. The kid yanked on his nipple. Leonard buried himself deep and stuttered his hips as he came. He leaned over and sucked Jim's cock into his mouth. The kid arched so hard that Leonard worried for a moment about his spine. Then Jim was shuddering through his orgasm.
Leonard watched the kid come down and then prodded him to get off the bed. "Shower."
The kid stuffed his face just as fast as the night before. Leonard ignored that and ran his foot up and down Jim's thigh. Finally the kid looked up from his empty plate. He had the sad smile on. "I should go."
Leonard carded his hand through Jim's hair. "You done owing me?"
The kid blinked. "Uhmm, no?"
He pulled the kid in and bit at his neck. Leonard pulled back only after he'd bit a mark into the kid's skin. "I expect you here when I get off shift. I don't care if you spend the day here or not." Leonard slapped a slip with an access code into the kid's hand. "I'll feed you and you can use my shower."
"I don't need a daddy."
Leonard grabbed the kid's hair and pulled his head back. "I ain't your daddy, boy." He bit again on the kid's neck. "I like you and you'll be here tonight."
The kid's eyes were closed to slits and he licked his lip. "Yeah, okay."
He let the kid go and turned to clean up the table. "You too sore?"
Jim helped clean. "No."
Leonard pressed him against the table. "Good." He pulled the kid's pants down just enough to get to his ass and thrust his fingers in. Three fingers, twisting until he hit the kid's prostate. "Fucking prefect, boy."
The kid panted and Leonard fingered him for several long minutes. Finally the kid started to tremble and Leonard pulled out.
"You will be here, boy."
The kid nodded shakily. "Yeah."
Leonard had actually expected the kid to be long gone, not asleep on his couch. He absently checked the place and couldn't find anything missing. He laid a cover over the kid and made dinner. The kid padded into the kitchen partway through him putting everything on plates.
"You didn't wake me."
Leonard glanced up and the kid had the worried unsure half-smile on. "If I want to pay to watch you sleep I can." He looked back down at the plates. "Unless you don't want that."
The kid helped him carry the plates to the table. "I don't mind. I just expected you to want me when you got here."
"Don't worry, kid. I'll fuck you soon enough." Leonard settled down to watch the kid inhale his food. "I will sometimes. I might not even wake you."
That didn't even earn him a break in the eating. Leonard smirked and ate his dinner. When the kid's plate was empty he glanced at the food still on the counter and then sat still watching Leonard eat.
"Go get yourself more, kid."
Jim gave him the false smile. "I'm full." Then he bared his neck to show Leonard's mark. "Fuck me?"
Leonard didn't argue about the food. The kid knew where the kitchen was. He stood and pulled the kid up. "How do you feel about dildos?"
The kid blinked. "They're fun. Why?"
Leonard shoved the kid down onto the couch and settled beside him. "Okay, kid. What are you limits?"
Jim straightened up. "Really?"
He frowned at the kid. "I wouldn't fucking ask if I didn't care, kid."
"Okay." Jim bit his lip. "No watersports. I don't like scat either." The kid cocked his head. "No whips for a while?"
Leonard stroked the kid's thigh. "Don't like whips anyway. You know what fisting is?"
The kid's eyes went wide. "Seriously? That's expensive."
Leonard nodded. "Sounding?"
Jim blinked. "You like that? I can handle that."
"Good." Leonard lead the kid back into the living room and knelt him so he draped the low table in front of the couch. "Strip and go back to that position."
The kid swallowed and nodded. Leonard got out his favorite dildo, the one that was wide and long with bumps in all the right places. He sterilized it and got lube from his bedroom. Several towels and a warm washcloth were added to the pile and Leonard headed back out to find the kid naked and positioned. "Prefect, boy."
Jim shivered. Leonard settled on the couch and groped the kid as he laid out his items. He turned the vid onto a music channel. With the wet cloth, Leonard washed the kid down. Then he lubed the dildo and worked it into the kid. He pressed it in all the way and left it as he pulled Jim upright on his knees.
"Turn and suck me, boy." Leonard helped the shaky kid turn and got his dick out for Jim to suck. "Good boy." He petted the kid's hair as he started to bob on Leonard's shaft. Leonard pulled the kid off after enjoying him for while. He got the kid upright and after a quick twist, he pulled the dildo out. Jim swayed on his feet, panting. Leonard strapped the dildo into a thigh harness and slipped it on. He pulled on the kid to get him to straddle his leg and helped the kid settle onto the dildo.
"Oh, shit." Jim's eyes where wide and slightly unfocused.
"Yeah, boy. Feel it in you?"
The kid nodded and Leonard gripped his hips and bounced him. Jim gasped and bounced again.
"Bones." The kid grabbed Leonard's shirt. "Never going to quit owing you." He used his leg muscles to lift himself and then dropped back down.
"Yeah." Leonard watched the kid ride. He waited for the kid to start wobbling and then he pulled the kid tight to his thigh and jiggled his leg. Jim gasped and clenched his hands. Leonard pulled on the kid's balls. "Off, boy."
With some help, Jim got off and ended up curled against Leonard's side. "That was...great, Bones and I didn't even cum."
Leonard petted the kid's hair. "Yeah, kid it was." He flipped the channel to a porn station and ordered a good show with fisting. They watched the skinny assed moaner on the screen take fists from two different people one after the other. "I going to open you up like that, boy." He flicked the kid's nipple.
"If you pay me in food that'll take you months to pay off." Jim rolled more onto his back and lolled his head to keep watching the porn.
"I don't mind." Leonard stroked himself as the ass on screen was being fucked with a huge fist. The kid licked his lip and alternated between watching the action on screen and watching Leonard.
"Still not saving me?"
Leonard gasped as the kid's mouth covered the tip of his cock. "Keeping your pretty ass just for me." He watched the kid watch the screen even as he sucked on Leonard's dick. "Going to open you wide and put my fist in you, boy." He stretched slightly to reach the kid's cock and lightly stroked it as he watched the screen. The moaner's cock was hard as the huge fsit pistioned in and out of him.
Jim pulled off. "Doesn't that hurt?"
Leonard pulled the kid onto his lap and down onto his cock. He nuzzled the mark on Jim's neck. "Not by that point. He's a mass of sensation."
The kid clenched around his shaft. "He's thinner than me."
Leonard played his fingers across Jim's ribs. "Yeah, he is. You'll be fatter if you take my offer of work."
Jim fucked himself on Leonard's shaft. "I'd like that."
"Deal. You're mine for a while, boy." Leonard thrust up hard and came as the kid jacked off. On-screen the moaner took a thrust fist unnoticed.
Leonard was suprised how easy it was to get used to the kid in his place. And he ignored the little things that started showing up. A book here and a change of clothes there. He never took the kid right away if he came home to a pile of text books on his coffee table. He wasn't sure if the kid was still working on the side. He didn't really care since the scans he did on a sleeping Jim kept coming back clean.
The kid was gaining a little weight and had finally started taking seconds when he was hungry. Leonard watched him stuff his face as he caressed the kid's thigh. Jim finished and took his plate to the sink.
"Want to fuck me?"
Leonard nodded and pushed the kid towards the bedroom. "Hands and knees."
The kid flashed him the happy for real smile and went. Leonard finished the dishes and checked what textbooks the kid had this time before heading to the bedroom. Jim was on his hands and knees with his ass high in the air.
"Good, boy." He ran his hand over the cruve of the kid's ass. "Where do we stand?" He asked it now at least once a day.
"I owe you, Bones."
Leonard cupped Jim's balls and patted them. He prepped the kid's hole, working in lube. Yesterday he'd owed the kid. It varied and Leonard hadn't yet figured out how the kid made up his mind from day to day. Leonard didn't argue, he never did. "Alright." He lined himself up and thrust into the kid's wet hole.
Jim moaned and pushed back onto Leonard's shaft. They set a fast, hard rhythm that had the kid grunting within a few thrusts. Leonard gripped the kid's hips and drove into him. He slapped the kid's hand away when he reached for his cock.
"No, boy."
The kid shuddered and groaned. Leonard pulled Jim tight against himself and ground his hips against the kid's ass. Jim threw his head back and moaned as Leonard came.
Pulling out, Leonard rolled the kid onto his back. "Spread yourself wide, boy." Leonard went to the storage unit and pulled out his supplies.
Jim sprawled, his cock standing proudly, smearing his belly with precum. "Like me like this, Bones?"
Leonard glanced up from his prep. "You know I do, boy." He settled next to the kid. "You still okay with a sound?"
Grinning, Jim lightly stroked himself. "For you, Bones, I'm okay with about anything."
Smiling back, because the kid usually didn't just grin without it being about something else, Leonard prepped the kid's dick. "This sound is flexible and has ribbing."
Jim stared down at himself as Leonard started feeding the sound into his cock. "God, Bones."
"Quiet, boy." Leonard slid the sound the rest of the way in, the stop fitting to the head of the kid's dick. "Look at me, boy."
The kid looked up from staring at his cock with wide eyes. Leonard carded his fingers through the kid's hair. Jim leaned into the touch. Leonard pulled away after some more petting and jacked his hand up and down the kid's shaft. Jim's eyes slid closed and he arched up. Leonard let go and Jim lay panting, staring up at him. Carefully opening a package, Leonard rolled a condom over the kid's dick.
Jim curled up and looked at himself. "Wha..."
Leonard pinched the kid's nipple. "Shut up, boy." He lubed the condom and worked himself open. Jim played with his balls as he watched. Leonard wiped his fingers off and added the finishing touch by wrapping the kid's balls so they were isolated from the rest of the kid's body. Leonard knelt over Jim and eased himself down onto the kid's shaft.
"Guuuh..." Jim clawed at Leonard's hips as he bucked up.
Leonard pinched both nipples as the kid writhed underneath him. He pulled roughly on Jim's nipples as he rode the kid. Jim twisted, flexing as he arched up and fell back. Leonard shifting pinning the kid's shoulders down. "Mine to fuck, boy."
"Yes, yes...please." Jim was leaking tears as he nodded franticly. He jerked his hands from Leonard's hips and wrapped them both around Leonard's cock.
Pressing down against the kid's quivering skin, Leonard hung his head as Jim started jacking him. He clenced as hard as he could around the kid's shaft and Jim strained up, shaking violently. Leonard splattered the kid's chest and belly as he came. As Jim started to relax, Leonard pulled off and stripped the condom off the kid's dick. A quick pull up Jim's shaft and he was nearly vibrating. Leonard pulled the sound out slowly as the kid moaned low in his throat.
Leaning over, Leonard blew on the head of the kid's cock as he released Jim's balls. The shaking became near convulsions as Jim's dick jerked fiercely as he orgasmed. Leonard smeared their cum together across the kid's belly as he went limp. Leaning over he kissed the kid's temple. "Such a good boy."
Jim sighed and flopped his hand onto his belly tiredly.
Leonard was more than a little smug that he'd caused the kid to sleep without nightmares. He sat plates on the table as the kid staggered into the kitchen. "Morning, kid."
Jim gave a jaw cracking yawn. "Morning, Bones." He flopped into a seat and started stuffing his face.
Leonard shook his head and sipped at his coffee. The kid still ate like the food was going to disappear. "You sore?"
The kid got up to get another plate of food. "No. You ever done that before with a sound?"
"Nope." Leonard gestured with his coffee cup. "Liked it?"
Jim smiled his happy grin. "God, Bones. It was incredible."
Leonard grinned into his coffee cup.
Leonard stopped outside his door and frowned. Jim was smart enough to know not to leave the door standing open. He eased inside and dropped his bag silently. He could hear grunting. He followed it back to the corner of the hallway. He peaked around the corner and a bloodied kneeling Jim was being held down by his neck by a man who was fucking him.
"Stupid...fucker. You...can't escape...me."
Jim struggled against the man's hold. "You never...had me." Jim growled as he tried to break free.
Leonard pulled back and loaded a hypospray. Barreling around the corner he stabbed the hypo into the rapist's neck and bowled him off of Jim. The paralyzing agent went to work instantly and the man lay on the floor panting through a slack mouth, staring up at Leonard. Ignoring him, Leonard turned to the kid who'd crawled to huddle against the hallway wall. "Kid?"
Jim wiped at the tears on his face. "I'm sorry, Bones. He must have followed me." Jim brushed at the blood on his arms. "I thought I was being careful." The kid turned a panicked expression towards Leonard. "I didn't invite him. I swear, Bones. I'd never..."
Leonard pulled the kid into his arms and rocked him. "Shush. I know, kid. I know." He petted the kid until he calmed down some and then he pushed him back to sit by the wall. "Stay right there for me, alright?"
Jim nodded and Leonard turned to the bastard laying on the floor with his dick hanging out. He went and got his bag and knelt by the man.
"You shouldn't have attacked him." He gloved up and made sure to spray the disinfectant everywhere he was going to cut. He pulled the man's balls up and carefully sliced into the skin. The man's eyes rolled, but he couldn't scream because of the drug had paralyzed his vocal cords. Leonard went carefully, cutting the testicles out of the scrotum and making sure to carefully separate them from the man's body. He was careful to stop the bleeding as he went. Pulling the clothing out of the way, Leonard injected another hypo into the man's ass and as he waited for that to second drug to work he cut deeply into the man's inner thigh. He used his regen unit to force it to scar deeply so that any time the man moved it would pull slightly.
Leonard glanced over to find Jim watching silently. "You okay, kid?" He tested the man's rectum to see if it was relaxed enough yet.
Jim shrugged. "Been raped before, Bones. What are you doing?"
He turned from watching the kid to shove the man's testicles up into his rectum. "Making sure he remembers to never mess with you." Leonard injected the man with another drug to counteract the muscle relaxant. "Kid, go into the bathroom and wait on me, okay?"
"Okay, Bones." Jim went shakily and Leonard watched his movements carefully until the kid turned into the bathroom.
Pulling the bastard's pants up, Leonard started dragging him out of his place. "Just so you know I took a tissuse sample. If you come near the kid again I'll make sure you don't live through it." He took the man down to the corner of his building and propped him up in a corner. He pulled the guy's collar up around his face and grinned at his crazed eyes just for the effect.
As soon as he got back into his place he made sure the door worked properly and changed the codes. Then he reported a lottering man in his area and went to deal with the kid.
Leaning Jim against the wall of his shower, Leonard gently ran his hands over the kid's skin to check for damage. "Where did the blood come from?"
Jim blinked slowly and spread his legs for Leonard. "My nose when he jammed me into a wall."
Leonard checked the kid's face. "You look okay. You hurt anywhere?"
Jim laughed a little hysterically. "No. Why are you bothering with me, Bones?" He stepped away from the wall and Leonard caught him as he started to sway. "You won't want me now."
Leonard planted a kiss on the top of the kid's head. "I still want you." Leonard pushed him back into the wall. "You didn't ask for that, kid. Just because you'd been hurt doesn't mean I don't want you."
Jim hiccuped and Leonard pulled the kid into his arms and rubbed his back as he turned them into the spray. Jim went limp until Leonard was holding them both up.
"Really, Bones? You'll still fuck me?" Jim nuzzled Leonard's collarbone. "I like it when you do it. You make me feel good."
Leonard maneuvered them out of the shower and started drying them off. "I'll fuck you, I promise. Just not right now because you need to rest. Okay, kid?"
Jim turned his face up to let Leonard wipe the water and tears off. "Okay. You promised, Bones." He patted at Leonard's arm clumsily. "I want to fuck you again too, Bones. You're the only one that's ever let me do that."
Leonard forced himself not to freeze. "You'll get to do that too, kid."
He woke up early and read his messages as he watched Jim sleep like the dead. He hoped the kid wouldn't kill him for drugging him into oblivion last night. Leonard nearly laughed as he read the message from the nightshift's on-call about the weirdest thing he'd seen all night being a guy with his testes up his ass. He slipped from bed to start breakfast when there was a knock on his door.
Leonard rubbed his hair as he opened his door. "Shit."
"Good morning to you too, Leo." Joycelin shoved a baby at him. "Here. I can't handle her. They all gossip about us and I can't raise her there. I can't start over with her on my hip, Leo. I named her Joanna." She took his hand and pressed his thumb to a PADD and then dropped a bag at their feet. "There. She's yours. You can take care of her."
He started to protest and she hurried away from the door just as the baby started to cry. Frowning, Leonard turned to take the baby to the couch and found Jim standing at the corner of the hallway. "Hey, kid."
"What happened?" Jim took the baby and made faces at her until she gurgled.
Leonard ran his scanner over the baby. "My ex says she's mine." He read the readout and raised his eyebrows. "Well, if she had gone off contraceptaives I suppose it is possible."
The kid looked up from the baby. "Looks possible to me, Bones."
He put his finger in front of her and watched her reach for him. "Yeah. What the hell am I going to do? She'll need a mother."
"She needs someone to love her more than a mother."
Leonard glanced up at the kid because that had been a lot of bitter in his voice. "True." He moved to check and, sure enough, his thumb print had signed papers giving him a little girl. "Well, I'm sure as hell not giving her back."
Jim flashed him a huge grin. "I can watch her while you're working." Then he blinked and looked down at the baby waving her little hands. "This means less fucking, doesn't it?"
He snorted. "She's too young to care what we do as long as she gets feed and changed."
"Really?" He beamed with his happy smile. "Great."
Leonard checked through the baby's bag. "Don't worry, kid. I'll owe you a lot more now."
Jim bumped shoulders with him. "I still owe you right now, Bones."
Leonard was surprised how fast he grew used to coming home to the sounds of a baby and Jim's textbooks sprawled across his coffee table and floor. "Hey, kid."
"Bones! She smiled at me today." Jim hugged him and bounced away towards the kitchen. "I made us dinner."
Bemused at this because the kid had gotten clingier since the rape, Leonard trailed Jim into his kitchen. The baby was on the table in her bouncing carrier thing. Leonard made faces at her and she smiled at him. "Pretty little girl." He turned to Jim who was holding a plate of food out to him. "Pretty boy."
Jim smiled at him with the happy smile. "You're going to fuck me in front of your baby, Bones? That's kinky."
Leonard sat the food down because it could wait. "She won't remember it." He turned her bouncy chair so that if faced away from them. "There. Better?"
Jim laughed. "Whatever, Bones. People used to fuck with their kids in the room for centuries before everyone became prudes." He dropped to his knees, freed Leonard's dick, and sucked him in.
Leonard leaned back against the counter and enjoyed the kid's talents. He carded his fingers into the kid's hair and held him still as he fucked his mouth. Jim relaxed and Leonard twisted his hips to thrust against Jim's cheek distorting the skin. "Very good, boy." He thrust several more times and then pulled out. "You ready for me, boy?"
Jim grinned up at him. "Yes, Bones." He licked his lip. "How do you want me?"
He petted the kid's hair. "On your back on my bed. Go, boy."
With a smiled, Jim bounced up and kissed him on the cheek. "You still want me."
He zipped off and Leonard tucked himself into his pants. He picked up his little girl and carried her to her crib just inside his bedroom door. He set her music barrier so the sounds they made wouldn't bother her, but he'd still be able to hear her. He turned to find Jim spread on the covers of his bed, naked. Settling between the kid's legs, Leonard caressed up and down Jim's body.
"Prefect like this, boy. Just prefect." Leonard watched the kid's face light up and he leaned over and sucked on the end of Jim's cock.
Jim's hand touched his head. "Bones...Please..." He reached under Leonard's chin and fondled his balls. "Fuck me."
Leonard pulled off and pressed the kid's legs further apart. "What if I wanted to fist you tonight, boy?" He pressed the flat of his fingers to Jim's hole.
The kid shuddered, but the expression didn't dim. "God...Yes, Bones." He cupped Leonard's jaw. "Can I never quit owing you, Bones?"
Leonard covered the kid with his body and just lay there as the kid breathed. "As long as you don't expect me to save you."
Jim grinned up at him. "Sure, Bones." He pushed on Leonard's shoulder. "Can't fist me if you just lay there."
Leonard slid off the kid and repositioned Jim. "You can still me to stop, boy. You know that, right?"
"I've never doubted that with you, Bones." Jim fondled himself as Bones pressed into him with two fingers.
Leonard thrust smooth and easy into the kid with two fingers. He added more lube as he added the third finger. He bit into the kid's thigh. Jim gasped and started stroking himself lazily. Leonard twisted his fingers as he slipped in his little finger. "That's it, boy. Open up for me."
Jim lolled his head to the side as he moaned. Leonard thrust in hard and stopped deep in Jim's heat. He waited until the kid started to wiggle and then he pulled out completely. Jim curled forward and panted as he lay back.
"Bones." The kid reached for Leonard with his free hand as he jacked himself slowly.
Leonard pressed in until the wide part of his hand was resting against the kid's hole. "Ready, boy?"
Jim nodded and wrapped his hand around the base of his shaft. "Do it."
With a slow steady pressure, Leonard opened the kid up to take his hand. He kept pushing until Jim's body was tight around his wrist. Then he just held still looking at his wrist where it merged with the kid's ass.
The kid groaned and tightened his hold around the base of his shaft. Leonard jiggled his hand and watched Jim's eyes snap open.
"Guh...Bones." The kid started stroking himself again and Leonard pulled back slowly and thrust forward. Jim groaned and his eyes fluttered closed as Leonard pulled out enough to stretch the kid's hole.
Leonard watched Jim come apart under him as he fucked the kid with his fist, pressing in and pulling out with a steady motion. "Mine, boy."
Jim opened his eyes and stared at Leonard with wide unfocused eyes. "Bones."
Leonard pressed in as far as he dared and then twisted around until Jim shuddered and started to come. Leonard gasped as his hand was squeezed by the kid's body. "Fuck, boy. You're so tight."
Jim kept shaking as he fondled his softening shaft. Leonard leaned over and sucked hard on the end of the kid's cock. Jim yelled and bowed up his heels digging into the bed. Leonard pulled back and watched the kid go limp. He eased out of the kid's body slowly.
After cleaning up and washing them, Leonard checked Joanna and then laid down with Jim. He petted the kid's body as Jim curled into him. "You ready to tell me what you're studying, kid?"
Jim planted a kiss on Leonard's chest. "Not quite yet." He snuggled closer. "Thanks, Bones."
He pulled the kid in tight against him. "No problem, kid." He grinned as he burshed back Jim's hair. "I'm just addicted to your skinny ass."
With a huff of laughter, Jim buried his face in Leonard's neck. "Is that what we're going with now? Really, Bones?"
Leonard swatted the kid's ass. "Shut up, boy."
They shared a smile and then Leonard watched the kid fall asleep before following him down into dreams.