Avatar // Some Strange Kind of Portent // Part 1 of 1

Oct 07, 2006 23:31

Title: Some Strange Kind of Portent
Fandom: Avatar
Rating: K
Word Count: 129
Summary: She remembers feeling small.

a light called you


She remembers her first look at the Fire Nation royal palace - really a vast walled estate, miles outside of the capital. She remembers standing there and feeling very small, smaller than she ever did in Ba Sing Se, because the Dai Li never actually tried to kill them actively.

She remembers how they stood, all of them staring upward: Sokka, Aang, her, Toph, Zuko, Zuko's uncle.

"Yep," Sokka had said, "We're all going to die."

And how everyone had looked at him, and his response, "What? What? I didn't mean it!"

He was wrong, of course. She and Zuko and Zuko's uncle had made it out, damaged but alive.

A suicide run, she decided. That's what this is, and we're doing it anyway.

length:drabble, rating:k, ficverse:whispers, comms:31_days-2006-010, fandom:avatar

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