Warning: Mild spoilers for Heart, Peter being...Peter.
Dream Effects:[Optional] There's a strong sense of irritation and vague murderous intent, but it mostly overlays deep, deep sadness and utter devotion to...someone~
["Please...I beg of you." It had come down to this, to asking the damn worm for help, but there was no other choice. She was so sad, so heartbroken, so hurting...this was selfish, he knew, but he wanted her to be happy.
"Agreed. She might not fall in love with you, you know..." Peter shook his head.
"That's fine. In the end, if she's happy...it's fine."
"Alright. I'm connecting it..." Peter watched, and for a moment, looked down at a vial in his hands. If only...if only...Such a ruse was selfish, but with the sister gone, he couldn't leave her alone--
He'd do anything for her. This would be alright.]
[He rolls over a little, staring at the dreamberry...oh, damn.]
...How troublesome.