(no subject)

Jul 19, 2008 17:57

Note to self: Never sleep in the same room as Arashi members no matter how hot they may be.
Also, never sleep in the same room as Kanjani8 members. In fact, I think it's wise to stay away from any Johnny's boys while you're sleeping. >_>;

Ok, so my neck is officially fucked. And my knee is sore again.. And my back hurts. x.x I'm feel like I'm about to break. D: And not just physically either, mentally as well. I have so much work to do and I have to go back to school on Monday and I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GO. T___T I have enough work without being given more!! *flails*

But the neck thing is kind of my own fault.. Okay, it's totally my own fault but I couldn't help staying up late even though I knew I had work. >.>; I was trying to watch Maou, but my player wouldn't work because our connection has gone down to an insane speed and nothing would load. So then I did the stupid thing and went on Youtube for like 5 hours.. XD I knew it would be slow, but the videos were SO worth it. xDD

And on that note, I really want to learn how to sub videos.. I downloaded some subtitle program that looks really good, but the timing and everything seems like it will take forever! I mean, you have to find the point where they start talking and then the point where they stop talking, and then make the subtitle appear on the screen for that amount of time, and you have to do that for EVERYTHING everyone says. Because it looks weird if the subtitles come on before they start talking and spend too long on the screen afterwards. But it's so much work. T__T So someone please tell me there's an easier way to do this..? ;_;

But I shouldn't really get too caught up in subbing because I have to translate first and have no time to do even that. >_>; I really miss translating though. =( And studying Japanese.. I've been going through the JapanesePod101.com episodes I have when I have time, but getting to the lessons that will actually be helpful for me will take me a really long time. And the perfectionist in me wants to listen to them all from the start again because they are all meant to be in order. ...I'll probably end up listening to each one all over again. >_>

Oh, also!! Thanks to Nao's blog, I found out about the new Ghibli movie! It's released today and it looks really good! I really want to see it now. :D The story seems so cute. X3

HOMG I just remembered Shimura Doubutsuen is on tonight. I GET TO SEE DAIGO AND PENPEN!!

So how many of you know DAIGO, as in DAIGO STARDUST? He isn't around much in the JRock scene (I've never seen him in any magazines or anything), but he is AWESOME. >__>; I found him on two TV shows in like three days without even meaning to. xD And he was adorable on both of them. Haha. He uses really slangy language when he speaks, but I can't help but love him. :3 He is just... really cute. xD

The first TV show I saw him on was Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen, one Aiba is a regular on (hence why I watched it). I was watching the show, and they started this new segment about animals being rejected by their parents. They mentioned something about someone famous taking care of an abandoned animal, and that they would surprise them about it (as the hosts of Japanese TV do. XD). So they cut to where they would meet this person and it was actually really dark, which made me think "..What? Who are they meeting at this time of night?" Then they mentioned that this person had just finished a live and Daigo came out and I was like "ZOMG HOT JROCKER!" XD He was pretty surprised when he saw them, and the people told him "You have to come with us," making it sound all serious. xD Daigo had no idea what was going on, and the other people made it sound like this was some dangerous misson. Haha. But the funny thing is, he still got in their van when they told him to. XDD So they drove him to the place this animal was overnight (and woke him up at like 4am. xD Sleepy JRockers are love xDD), introduced him to the animal and told him that the baby had been rejected by its parents and he would be able to look after it if he wanted to. The animal turned out to be a baby penguin, and it's really adorable! Daigo was in absolute awe of it (which was SO CUTE) and he said he would take care of it and ended up naming it Penpen.

It's just so cute how much he wants to take care of it! He's really serious about it and you can tell he actually cares.

So I'm looking forward to that tonight. :DD That's if my player decides to work... I still have a really slow connection. >_<;

arashi, work, daigo

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