Title: Bento
Pairings: Yabu/Hikaru (Friendship), Hikaru/Inoo and more
Characters: Yabu, Hikaru, Takaki, Inoo
Genre: Romance, Friendship
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Summary: The story is about friendship between the guys and their view towards life. Things doesn't always go their way. Just when everything seems to fit, something will break it and shatter it into pieces.
Chapters: (
Chapter I) (
Chapter II) (
Chapter III) (
ChapterIV) (ChapterV) (
ChapterVI) (
Chapter V : The Realization
Yabu turned around to face Takaki during the free period in class. Takaki's face amazes him so much because it changes every second from a happy, dreamy look to a tensed look. After a few moments, Yabu let out a small laugh. Takaki snapped out of his thoughts and blinked a couple of times.
“I did it again?”
“Yes, you did. It's amazing though,” Yabu laughs.
“I have lots of things to think of, you know?”
“Right.” Yabu turns his back to Takaki.
“It's true! There is a photo shoot with a model this weekend, a hot one she is!”
“U-huh.” Yabu chuckled to himself.
“And, and I won't bring my own bento for a time since the chef was fired. And there was Inoo-” Takaki covers his mouth with his hands. Yabu just kept quiet.
“Maa... Let's forget about Inoo-chan. He won't talk to me last night. Just when I thought he would open up to me.” Yabu rubs his head and smiled.
Takaki felt guilty. He knows the truth, yet he didn't want to tell Yabu about it. He doesn't want Yabu to feel awkward, he doesn't want Yabu's relationship with Hikaru to fall apart. Most of all, he doesn't want Yabu to drift away from him. He wants Yabu to be close to him. He wants Yabu to be his.
“Ah, Hikaru-kun. Come and join us,” Yabu waves at Hikaru and signals to sit beside him.
“Takaki-kun is here, too? You both are so close lately~” Hikaru smacks Takaki's back quite hard.
“Itai na!” Takaki stuck his tongue out to Hikaru.
All he could do is watch Yabu and Hikaru chat happily. Hikaru is great, he wouldn't drag his despair too long. He's back to his old self again just after few days! He admires Hikaru for being a strong person and he wonders if he could be like him when his heart gets broken, or betrayed. Takaki grins to himself; soon he noticed two pairs of eyes looking at him in a weird way.
“Ah, I did it again.” The three of them hooted and continued their lively conversation.
Nobody knows what's in Hikaru's mind lately. Yabu who used to be 'telepathically' connected to him is also confused with his desire and personality. He's the same as Hikaru, but somehow something became different now. Yabu observed that the light in Hikaru's eyes are gone. His eyes were dark and deep and as every time Yabu stares into them, he feels like he's going to be pulled inside them .
The thing is, nowadays Hikaru would smile and wave to Inoo every chance they stumble upon each other, as if they were normal friends. Inoo's awkwardness towards it can be obviously seen. Hikaru were more secretive than before and just tells everyone that he's fine, although he is in a deep pain that is visible to everybody. Takaki used to think Hikaru has a strong will, but Yabu told him that Hikaru is hurt; too delicate that he might break into pieces anytime soon.
One day, Hikaru suddenly cornered Yabu in an empty classroom after school. Everyone went home early, except for Yabu who decided to stay inable to finish their final draft for their upcoming summer festival. Hikaru was not himself, he drove Yabu to the wall and their faces were only centimeters apart.
“W-what the hell are you doing, Hikaru?”
“We were always together, Yabuchii. All these while, you were always with me. Ever since we were small.”
“I don't get where you're getting at.” Yabu stared at Hikaru with determined eyes. Hikaru's eyes were the same as ever these days; dark and lifeless.
“Isn't this the perfect opportunity? Inoo-chan is no longer with me, you were always lonely.”
“I'm not lonely!” Yabu pushed Hikaru back, but Hikaru was surprisingly stronger than Yabu.
“Well, I am!” Hikaru was about to kiss Yabu when he received a hard slap.
“I am not you, Hikaru-kun. Get over it.”
Yabu shoved Hikaru aside, took his belongings and left the classroom as fast as he could. Hikaru just stood there, facing the white wall and trembling. His tears trailed down his cheeks. Slowly, he crouched down and sobbed tough. He was selfish, desperate and ignorant. His pride vanished in a blink of an eye. He knew Yabu was gonna be against it, yet he did it. He did it for his own satisfaction, hoping that Yabu could fill in the emptiness. But he didn't realize until now that Yabu already filled his heart with kindness and love as a childhood friend, a best buddy and as an older brother ever since.
Takaki witnessed the whole incident. He was behind the door when Hikaru put force at Yabu. He was about to leave for he thought Yabu would accept Hikaru, but then he heard the door slide open and Yabu came out from it with no expression.
“Let's go, Takaki.”
Yabu walked past Takaki without looking back. Takaki was waiting for Hikaru to show up after but the latter didn't. So he followed Yabu unsure how to feel. He looked intently at Yabu's back as they walk, it was firm though a little bony. Yabu has that very thin and tall feature which were perfect for Takaki.
The boy never returned the look and was stiffer than usual. Perhaps because of the shock. He probably felt betrayed by Hikaru's action, and it hurt him so much. Takaki could see him shaking, as if he was holding back his tears. He ran to catch up in pace beside Yabu. He took either one of Yabu's hands in his and stroked it gently to make Yabu feel better. As soon they reached the dejected boy's house, Takaki smiled and waved goodbye.
Takaki silently remained few meters away from the house until Yabu enters. When he spinned around to continue his way, he saw a familiar shadow near a lamp post. Inoo stood there, looking at Takaki.
“I didn't know you like Yabu-kun,” Inoo said as they walk.
“I didn't know either,” Takaki said softly, inaudible to Inoo. Inoo uttered a small, relieved sigh.
“I'm glad it's you, Takaki-kun. I really do. Somehow I felt embarrassed after I talked to you last time. I shouldn't have said it.”
Inoo beamed. Takaki have often thought Inoo is a sweet person. His smile is just breathtaking. No wonder Hikaru fell in love with him. Takaki understands it perfectly. To be in love so deeply is a gift. He's completely sure that Hikaru's love for Inoo is genuine and honest. Hikaru sacrificed a lot for Inoo and vice versa.
“I've been thinking lately. I guess my affection towards Yabu isn't love. I just... I suppose... I admired him for being a nice person. He's nearly perfect as a person. But I think he is out of my league,” Inoo said deliberately, trying to fit in the right words to describe Yabu.
“But Hikaru-kun is funny, sensitive and lovable. Nobody ever loved me the way he did. I regretted what I did, I really do. He loved me with all his heart, protected me and made bento for me everyday although he hates to wake up early,” Inoo laughs a bit.
“I remember the first time I got to know him, he was all grumpy during the assembly when we were just starting school. He had a very scary face that time, too! But he finally managed to smile when one person went up on stage to give a speech. It was Yabu. Hikaru's eyes flashed with pride. Like Yabu is his son, ne?” Inoo smiled to himself.
“And during that time, I wanted to talk more with Hikaru. I wanted to know him better. I always wanted to be with him, supporting him. Most of all, I wanted to hold him in my arms, telling him that I admire him, I care for him and I love him.”
Inoo's words touched Takaki's heart. Inoo is still in love with Hikaru after all. He just got confused for a while. Then, he realized.... He himself likes Yabu. He loves Yabu as much as Inoo loves Hikaru. He only wishes that Yabu would love him as how Hikaru loves Inoo back. His heart went doki doki, so booming that he could hear it. He eyed Inoo who is fidgeting, unsure what to do.
“Hikaru is still in school. If you hurry, you might catch him on his way back,” Takaki pushed Inoo forward.
“Eh? Ah. I got it. Thank you so much, Takaki-kun!”
Inoo ran as fast as he could, afraid that he'd lose Hikaru forever. Takaki wanted to run that fast too but he chose to wait and hold his feelings to himself for a meanwhile. He's not gonna lose Yabu. He is determined to own Yabu with all his might.
Long. Haha. I hope you like this one ♥
It's almost the end :(
As usual. Thanks
j3nt1sh for the help!
And comments are always loved♥