1. First take your image. I took
this one of Kirsten and resized a section of it to 75 x 54 and then sharpened it once.
2. Add the image to a 100x100 blank then add this brush from
1greeneye. Then take out the bits that cover Kirstens face.
3. Then add this text brush by (I think)
gender and take out the part thats covering the image.
4. Now take out two 75 x 3 bits of the image and place them under the picture on new layers. Now blur them a little and it should look like this.
5. Now merge all layers and duplicate the layer. Desaturate and set to Hard Light, Opacity 45%.
6. Now take this gradient (no idea who it's by) and set it to muliply.
7. Then take the same gradient and set it to Overlay, Opacity 47%.
8. Make a new raster layer. Now type the text at Tahoma, size 16 in blank. Then cut away the bottom half.
9. Then add this text brush from
whitetomb several times and viola!
I'd love to see how some of these turn out ^_^