1. Crop your image to 100x100. Make a copy of it and put it to one side.
2. Go to color balance (Colors > Adjustment > Color Adjustment Balance) and put this in:
Set the color levels to: -40, 0, 67
Set the color levels to: -44, 21, 6
Set the color levels to: -17, 23, 80
Make sure 'preserve luminosity' is ticked.
3. Now go back to the other base you made in step one and right click on the layer in the Layer Palette and duplicate it.
4. Go to curves (Colors > Adjustment > Curves) and set it to RGB - Input: 254, Output: 1. Then set the layer (right click on the layer in the Layer Palette) to Soft Light.
5. Now take the original image (the orginal layer at the bottom) and duplicate twice and drag to the top. Then set the bottom one to Soft Light and the top one to Screen, 50% opacity.
6. Now go to Effects > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set Radius to 4. Merge all.
7. Now duplicate the layer and set it to Soft Light.
8. Go to effects and Add Noise at 100%.
9. Now go to Effects > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
10. Now paste on the image we made earlier in one and two and put it underneath the noise-blur layer and set it to darken. Merge All.
11. Duplicate it and set it to screen, opacity 50 %.
12. Paste on the image we made earlier again and this time set it to color, opacity 59%. Merge All.
13. Then I put 'PO3' in print dashed and added a text brush by
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