Under the cut is a general post about some of the personal issues I'm going through at the present time, read it if you like.
This is a general update on things and to be honest, I'm feeling kinda shitty and really strung out/tense as of late. The medication I'm on is having really weird effects on my mood and especially my sleep pattern. I either wake up every couple of hours or have really messed up dreams every night. I can't keep my head straight which is really screwing up what little of a work ethic I have left. Along with the meds issue there's also a potential family crisis going on back home. Due to an altercation at the club about 2 weeks ago a court hearing recommended us to close for 2 weeks in the event the person who caused all this should return.
To exacerbate matters in that department the Liverpool Echo wrote up a front page article slating the club, the material it printed had no base whatsoever and is therefore libel, we're getting together some kind of legal team to take them to court, at least I hope we are since this will potentially destroy the family business. There's nothing I can do since I'm not directly involved but obviously this all has me worried since it's my dad's livelihood at stake.
To add to the above issue I then have the whole uni issue, I need to get cracking with my work but just can't get focused. x.x I will soon enough, just need to try and settle my head. There's also my current financial situation that has me irked, I need to find work so I can get some stability back again and be able to live on a proper budget once more.
Finally to top it all off I keep letting myself get dragged into other people's problems, I care about my friends and want to help out but at times I just need to rest, I'm only human afterall.