I'm loosing track of the weeks to be honest...
A work colleague who has GDM and is also on protophane but is having her 2nd baby, diagnosed at usual time (24 weeks) now 31ish weeks,
confided in me that she doesn't check her BGLs. I wonder if she even gives herself the insulin.
I didn't know what to say except that I do check it, as prescribed, that I sometimes forget (cause I'm human and who doesn't get busy) and then I just check it anyways.
I actually feel like I obsess over my BGLs.
And whilst my mood used to be tied a little to the BGLs (like if its high I felt bad) -- it's become less so much of a mood thing but a curiosity thing. Like, what is it now? I always want to know.
If I ate an apple, I like checking an hour later just to see what it is. I find it comforting.
Annoying if its high, reassuring if its less than 7.0 target <7.5)
Worrying if its between 7-7.5
I read so many articles about the risks of GDM.
How IOL at 39 weeks supposedly does not increase risk of C-section
That WHO
I was reading that due to the change in diagnostic criteria for GDM (for example, I'm on the stricter protocol), putting everyone onto the stricter (more newly created) protocol would increase diagnosis of GDM by 50%. On old criteria, rates of 10% is the baseline, and new criteria is 20%.
So if MICH has a GDM rate of 26% (new criteria)
and MSH has a GDM rate of 36% (old criteria)
And one article states that if a woman is by the new criteria considered GDM but is in a hospital that considers her by the old criteria, not GDM - if the pathology center that completed the test diagnoses her as GDM then she should be treated as such. This sounds wholly impossible as we can't have 1 rule for some women and not all in one hospital, you'd drive the midwives mad.
That being said, knowing what I know now about GDM (which I intend to condense into a summary post for a mate) - if I was that woman, I'd be freaking out that someone wasn't on top of me regarding my BGL's.
I was also reading that diagnosis of GDM is stressful(thankyou) and that perinatal mental health support should be provided (it should) and the effect of diagnosis should be monitored.
Increased diagnosis, and labeling is for sure to impact one's mental health. No one likes being labeled.
I defiantly have more energy now than in previous weeks - I got a tone of shit done on Friday. Perhaps it was the fear factor of having only 1 day off for the whole week (as the other 2 were taken up by unpaid study days, which were work related, so in essence I worked a 52 hour week last week).
I spent $70 shipping those sports girl jumpers, about 20 sachets of vegemite, a bunch of hologram postcards that cost
Posts that I want to write:
That conversation with GDM woman who is not undertaking BGL management as required
The last 2 days at SSH: I had good continuity of care
Same pt at MSH 3 days in a row because small ICU staff are acopic re: EVD management/management of pt with neuroprotective measures