Respectable decision. Personally I leave mine public, and even have a few people friended that I'm not on the best of terms with sometimes. Since I see it as better to let potential foes see some sensitive stuff, than to let them fill in the blanks themselves. That's more dangerous, in my mind.
True enough, however my "enemies" don't really know I've got an LJ, so I don't really have to worry about such... It's just the parents and discovering things they shouldn't (yet)...
It's a decision I didn't take lightly, having wondered on such for... About three months now. However, not many really do read my LJ anyways (as far as I know, or that comment on it. :P), so restricting it won't be much of a hassle anyways...
And besides, there's probably only one fur I wouldn't allow to post in my LJ, that's all...
Uhm, I owe him a white hot chocolate from Second Cup from the 2nd of October - the last DDR video session. I promised him I'd get him one back then, and then didn't... And it's just a harmless white hot chocolate to get to know each other a little better, as we really don't know each other that well...
As for living near para, heh, I live two hours south of him... Well, if you drive the speed limit. :D (i'm smack dab right in the middle on HWY 2 between Edmonton and Red Deer)
I'd kind of like to be on the inside of this thing ^_^ Why? I just see you around on Leim and Tk's journals a lot and think you're a great guy. I'd like to try and be your friend if you'll let me n.n (Well, I'm already making myself sound like a psychopatic stalker. Go me!)
Of course, if you do, I'll make sure to add you back. You won't see much in my LJ otherwise :p
(best done with an evil villain / mad scientish tone of voice. :D) Ah, so you want in on the whole scheme, mmm? Ah, but I know who you are, Mr. Namiel, you are... *checks cheat sheet and script* Uhm... Give me a minute or two here.... Uhhhhh...
Okay, you clear the sixteen item checklist for entry. :D
(/scientist or villain tone)
Sorry, I'm feeling a little silly right now. :P Give me about two minutes or so (not accounting for LJ slowness tonight of course. :P) and you should be in.
Done, hopefully the somewhat recent car talk doesn't scare you away. ;) However at times the journal can get some fairly intersting times in 'er too. :)
That's always good to hear. :) I tend to talk about all sorts of things, my mind wanders around sometimes... To naughty or nice stuff, depends on the mood...
Comments 93
It's a decision I didn't take lightly, having wondered on such for... About three months now. However, not many really do read my LJ anyways (as far as I know, or that comment on it. :P), so restricting it won't be much of a hassle anyways...
And besides, there's probably only one fur I wouldn't allow to post in my LJ, that's all...
(The comment has been removed)
As for living near para, heh, I live two hours south of him... Well, if you drive the speed limit. :D (i'm smack dab right in the middle on HWY 2 between Edmonton and Red Deer)
Of course, if you do, I'll make sure to add you back. You won't see much in my LJ otherwise :p
Okay, you clear the sixteen item checklist for entry. :D
(/scientist or villain tone)
Sorry, I'm feeling a little silly right now. :P Give me about two minutes or so (not accounting for LJ slowness tonight of course. :P) and you should be in.
*gives her biggest most convincing smile*
And so far I love what I see, been going back through your entries, and hit your website... :)
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