Feb 19, 2007 10:26
i just registered for my last semester of college.
Dec 13, 2006 13:47
i just recieved this email from clay...
hey i got u something for xmas, so it better fucking fit and u better like it. and if it dosent fit then u better lose some fucking weight so it does. merry christmas
and that was it.
Dec 11, 2006 15:55
i've already puked in the street and we haven't even been here 12 hours yet.
Nov 14, 2006 11:18
somethings i have noticed as of late:
there is a homeless old lady that lives on the 2nd floor of henderson.
will rushing added me as a friend on facebook and he has a full beard.
buffalo chicken finger subs will win the heart of any man.
don overbeay is kind of a douche(sorry delia).
Oct 24, 2006 08:20
it is early as shit but i registered for the spring and for the first time ever, got all the classes i wanted.
figure drawing.
illustration I.
mannerism (think madonna with the long neck).
jewelry II.
hell yea.
Sep 28, 2006 09:09
i have a painting due in like 20 minutes and it just so happens to be NOT DRY AT ALL GODDAMNIT and i can't move it off the floor or the cavity i filled with gel medium will spill out and i hope don doesn't get mad.
today is starting off well...
Sep 11, 2006 16:57
hello my name is whitney greene and all i do is go to work and go to school and make art and sleep and eat and smooch my boyfriend on the face from time to time.
such is life i guess...