(no subject)

Jan 19, 2004 00:36

---------------GENERAL INFO-----------
* Starting Time: 4:04 p.m.
* Birth Date: 03-03-88
* Name: Jason Kean Greenway (stupid compound word last name)
* Nicknames: J, bigjay, awesome
* Age: 15
* College: hmm... i wish
* Color of eyes: blue, i like my eyes
* Hair: brown, not red..go away
* Height: 6-2..3 not sure
* Shoe Size: 14
* Brothers/Sisters: logan(10)..he's dumb
---------------HAVE YOU EVER---------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nope. never
* Lit a body part on fire for amusement: yes.. it was really cool.. ok you put hand sanitizer on your finger and set it on fire.. but shake it off before you start to burn..i'm not psycho i promise
* Been in a car accident: yes… twice,stupid tyler
* Been hurt emotionally: hurt is an understatement
* kept a secret from everyone: yep, still am
* Had an imaginary friend: hmm.. nah
* cried during a movie: oh yea, (green mile) big time
* Had a crush on a teacher: oh yes.. mrs gregory..ugh, dumb question
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: nah, i prefer flesh to whatever
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: no..
* Been on stage: oh yea, big time
* Cut your hair: yep, i need to get it cut again
* Shampoo: humnecant or whatever the hell its called its new to me, makes my hair silky smooth
* color: blue
 Day/Night: night
* Summer/Winter: summer
* silk or satin: psh.. silk of course, i want silk sheets
* Food: cheese sticks
* Movie: can't have just one
* Fave ice cream: choc. chip cookie dough is good
* Fave Subject: it used to be history..
* Fave Drink: hmm... water gets the job done, dp

---------RIGHT NOW---------
* Wearing: michigan shorts and putting on green shirt
* Eating:. nothing
* Drinking: mtn. dew
* Thinkin bout: Sara
* Talking to: nobody. I have my away message up.
* watching: AFC championship game

------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------
* Cried: no
*Worn a skirt: no
* met someone new: nah
* Cleaned your room:. yep
* Done laundry:.of course.. thats all my life consists of
* Drove a car: yep

* Yourself: not as much as i should
* friends: big time
 * Santa Claus:. nah
* Tooth fairy: nah.. if somebody was carrying around a big sack of money they would mose likely be mugged
* Destiny/Fate: hmm.. not really sure
* Angels: maybe
* Ghosts: big time

-------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------
* Who's the loudest: hmm.. tyler gets pretty loud
* Weirdest: jacob
* Who do you go to for advice: nobody really, but bethany is my psycologist so i guess her
* Who do u think about most when you're not online: Sara..indeed
* Who do you cry with?: myself

* Bf/gf: yep, Sara
* last kiss: friday night
* Ever been in love: not going to go there, but things are looking up, she's so awesome
* Cheated on anyone: no i could never do that, it hurts to much
* Ever regretted going out with someone: nah. learning experiences are always good
*"drunken stupid mistake": never been drunk to make a mistake

---------TELL THE TRUTH!!-----------
Would you ever?
* Pay for sex: haha.. nah sorry
* Strip for money: nope, people would be paying me to put my clothes back on.
 * Play strip poker: possibly
* Streak: not yet
* work at McDonalds: ugh.. no way
* Lie: yep.. who hasn't?
* Fuss about someone: oh yea
* What's the best feeling in the world: being in love.. and being kissed on your neck.. -shivers-
* Worst Feeling: too many
* Who sent this to you: eh.. no one, i'm bored

[Last person who...]
.x. Slept in your bed - bob
.x. Saw you cry - nobody has ever seen me cry
.x. Made you cry - stupid person
.x. Spend the night at your house: jacob
.x. You shared a drink with: umm.. i drank other peoples drinks friday.. does that coung?
.x. You went to the movies with: Jason, Amanda and Jess.
.x. You went to the mall with: my momma
.x. Yelled at you: amy..haha
.x. Sent you an email: ben, haha no need to go there.. we all know

Have Your Ever...

.x. Said "I love you" and meant it?- sighs..no comment.
.x. gotten into a fight with your walrus - hmm.. nah we sold the walrus to get a llama
.x. Been to New York? - nope, want to
.x. Been to Florida? - no! i really want to go though
.x. California? - yes, its dumb don't go..
.x. Hawaii? - nah, it would be nice
.x. Mexico? - yep.. weird place mexico is
 .x. China? - nah.. i'm going with hagen though
.x. Canada? - nah
.x. Danced naked - nah sorry
.x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day? - nah, my dreams are to crazy to actually happen
.x. Stalked someone? - hmm.. according to tyler, yes
.x. Been stalked? - oh god.. no talking

Pick One...

.x. Apples or bananas? - apples
.x. Red or blue? - blue
.x. Walmart or Kmart? - Walmart
.x. Math or English? - English
.x. radio or CD? - CD
.x. drawing or painting? - painting, its fun
.x. High school or college?- college. high school is gay.. all i do is walk around

[ Understanding ] oh yea, big time
[ Open-minded ] yes.
[ Arrogant ] nah, not anymore
[ Insecure ] yep very
[ Interesting ] hmm.. you could say that
[ Random ]. indeed
[ Friendly ]. yes
[ Smart ] define smart
[ Moody ] not for a couple monthes.. i'm too happy. (i'm proud)
[ Childish ] yes sometimes
[ Independent ] yea i guess, but its nice to have someone there that you can depend on from time to time
[ Hard working ]. Yes
[ Organized ] when i'm bored or mad
[ Healthy ] as healthy as a carnivore can be
[ Emotionally Stable ]. yes
[ Shy ] oh geez.. yes
[ Difficult ] you could say that
[ Attractive ] no
[ Bored Easily ] sometimes
[ Messy ] sometimes
[ Thirsty ] mmm mtn. dew
[ Responsible ] yes
[ Obsessed ] define obsessed.. and with what?
[ Angry ] no.
[ Sad ] nope
[ Happy ] happiest i've been in my life
[ Hyper ] semi-hyper
[ Trusting ] yes.. but it takes a lot for me to trust someone now
[ Talkative ] depends who i'm talking to

[ Kill ] no one yet
[ Slap ] nah.. i'd like to beat the shit out of some people though
[ Get High With ] hmm.. nobody
[ Look Like ] whatever..
[ Talk To Offline ] Sara
[ Talk To Online ] previosly stated

[ My Name Is ] moonlight samurai..shickaaa!
[ In The Morning I Am ]. grouchy, big time
[ All I Need Is ] my family and friends.
[ Love Is ] awesome, and yet it sucks
[ I'm Afraid of ] being hurt.. thats really all
[ I Dream About ] well most recently i dreamt about Sara, which would explain a lot of things when i woke up.. good job Sara

-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .

[ Actually seen your crush naked ] nah
[ Been in love ]. enough
[ Cried when someone died ] yes, still cry
[ Lied ] yep

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[ Coke or pepsi ] coke and pepsi are both dumb but i guess pepsi

 [ Flowers or candy] flowers. even though i'm a guy, flowers are cool
[ Tall or short ] tall.

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do u notice first?] eyes.
 [last person u slow danced with] Krystin
 [worst question to ask] haha... (see blue collar comedy tour/here's your sign)

-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] tyler or jacob
[makes you smile]. Sara, or Frazier
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] define funny
[who do you have a crush on?] my girlfriend.. that has a nice ring to it
[who has a crush on u?] ugh.. dumb people
[is easiest to talk to] Sara and Bethany.. Bethany knows me better and we've been friends since the beginning of time, so i guess that answers it

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] yep..from 6:30-close
[save aol/aim conversations]. nah not really
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex] nah.. girls are too complicated
[cried because of someone saying something to you] yes.

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] nah
[been rejected] yes
[rejected someone] yes
[used someone] never in my life, i don't intend to
[been cheated on] yes.
[done something you regret] nope.. i learn from my mistakes

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes] ugh..
[obsessive] obsessive..not really
[could u live without the computer?] don't say things like that!
[color ur hair] i want to, that would be cool
[ever get off the damn computer] psh.. no way
[habla espanol] si! yo hablo espanol, ¿Y tu?

[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] 107
[drink alchohol?] a little
[like watching sunrises or sunset] preferably with the opposite sex
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?] emotional. no contest

-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken?: 5 last one suck the most
I have broken?: prob. around 3
of guys I have kissed?: 0
of girls I have kissed?: 6
of continents I have lived in?: 1 so far
of tight friends?:. i'd say around 5 or 6 very close friends
of cd's that I own?: i want to finish this today so...no
of scars on my body?: too many
of things in my past that I regret?: how many times is that going to be on here?

The Last Few Questions...
.x. Last time you went out of the state - last summer
.x. Lucky number - not sure
.x. Things you like in a girl/guy - eyes, hips, and of course butt
.x. Weirdest thing about you? - psh.. what isn't weird about me?
.x. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? - yes.
.x. What do you think of quija board? - hmm.. semi-weird.. and semi-cool never had one nor used one
.x. What book are you reading now? - the fellowship of the ring, woo!
.x. What's on your mouse pad? - dell
.x. Favorite board game? - monopoly, hands down.. best board game ever
.x. Favorite magazine? - mmm..don't really have one
.x. Favorite sound?- don't know
.x. Worst feeling in the world? - previosly stated above
.x. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? - go away! or where did you come from?
.x. Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters - rollercoasters are awesome
 .x. How many rings before you answer? - dos.. it just seems right
.x. Future daughter's name? - I don’t know.
.x. Future son's name? - I don’t know.
.x. Chocolate or vanilla? - vanilla
.x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? - nah, don't have one worth sleeping with
.x. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? - swat, or forensic scientist(before everyone was like, csi! yay!...bastards)
.x. What are you going to do after you finish this survey? - beat up my brother and watch football
.x. What was the last food you ate? - bk.. last night.. dang its like 5.. i'm hungry
.x. you bored? - yes.
.x. How many buddies are on? - 28
.x. Last movie you saw? - ‘Shakespeare In Love’
[ Current Clothes ] I’ve already said this.
[ Current Mood ] mellow
[ Current Music ] 3 libra's -mishapen circle
[ Current Taste ] cinnamon toothpaste.. yummy
[ Current Make-up ] nah
[ Current Hair ] normal hair
[ Current Annoyance ] dad
[ Current Smell ] none
[ Current Desktop Picture ] "the big house" Ann Harbor, Michigan (salutes)
[ Current Favorite Group(s)] smashing pumpkins, perfect circle
[ Current Book you're reading ] fellowship
[ Current CD in CD Player] about 60, but i listen to the computer most
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] clear

[ Current Worry ] Sara.. but i worry too much
[ You Touched ] my brother.. i hit him
[ You Talked to ] my brother
[ You Hugged ] Sara
[ You Instant messaged ] Sara
[ You Yelled At ] Logan
[ You Kissed ] Sara.. there seems to be a trend starting
[ Food ] none
[ Drink ] water/very cold mtn. dew
[ Color ] blue
[ Album ] not sure
[ Shoes ] i wear my kswiss...everywhere
[ Candy ] not sure
[ Animal ] cats are cool
[ TV Show ] smallville is pretty cool, friends is cool as well.
[ Movie ] none.. i want to watch a nightmare before christmas. and scarface is really awesome(stupid ghetto people give it a bad reputation and can only recite.. say hello to my little friend.. bastards)
[ Dance ] let me put on my dancing shoes and i'll tell you
[ Song ] fade to black. metallica. (some people give metallica a bad name.. and they're new stuff is gay)
[ Vegetable ] broccoli is pretty kick ass
[ Fruit ] apples are good
[ Cartoon ] jimmy neutron..indeed
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