Sorry this is late, guys, my flight yesterday was epically delayed so I didn't get home until today. Your theme this week is dream casting. I want you guys to cast either the Doctor, the companion, or both. You must have BOTH a Doctor and a companion in your icon, but you only need to cast one (so you can have an original Doctor with Rose, or an original companion with Eleven, or have both an original Doctor and an original companion). Whoever you cast cannot be someone who's already been on the show. Please tell me when you submit your icon who you cast. No pictures again, but if anybody needs help finding some, just ask :D
-Submit one icon only!
-You may use any images you like.
-You may mix/blend images.
-All resources are allowed.
-Icons must meet LJ standards: 100x100 or less, 40KB or less.
-Icons must be NEW for this challenge. Do not use old icons.
-Do not post your icon anywhere until winners are announced, or you will be disqualified.
-No animation.
-Deadline: Sunday, July 31 at 10:00 p.m. (EST)
Your special category this challenge is Best Use of the TARDIS. You may want to consider it while making your icon, but it's not required, just if you want to try for the point in the special category.
Submit your icons in a comment to this post. Comments are screened.