Sep 26, 2011 08:31
This is for everyone applying to graduate programs in Philosophy during the 2011-2012 academic year.
A new thread has been started since there seems to have been a problem with anonymous commenting on the previous one. Good luck, everyone!
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Comments 4008
I compiled a PDF last year containing a pile of helpful links that I'd found over the last few years of my own (successful) applications to grad school. It's not a guide or anything so presumptuous, but it does organize a rather large pile of the information that's out there on the intarwebz. I'm still updating it periodically as I come across new stuff, although the link itself doesn't change.
Hope it helps.
(2) Your accolades, teaching, blah blah, are irrelevant. And don't sweat the GRE too much. Aim to beat 700 on each section.
(3) Spend all your time on your sample. If your letters are good like you say, and your general background is good like you say, the first few pages of your paper will be read. No sense getting feedback on your stats from livejournal as no one can tell you your chances at this point without reading your writing. Even then, it probably wouldn't give you a sense of your odds. Just work on your paper and ignore everything else.
Feel free to spread around your stats on livejournal, and feel free to inquire about how others perceive your chances based on those few details. Consider that it may be a good idea to avoid getting so caught up in your paper that you ignore everything else.
Philosophy of perception; philosophy of mind; epistemology; history of analytic philosophy
Tentative school list:
(PhD) Cambridge, University College London, UConn-Storrs, UT-Austin, UMass-Amherst, Indiana U, Brown, U Virginia, U Penn, UC-Riverside, Cornell, and perhaps a few top 15 programs; (MA) U Houston, UW-Milwaukee, Georgia State, Northern Illinois, W Michigan.
I completely agree that Riverside is a good place to go for phil of action. However, my interest in the school is primarily due to Eric Schwitzgebel.
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