Rare Ships Month: Rose/Mickey/Jake Part I (picspam)

May 03, 2008 20:29

I was only planning on doing a meta post on Why Rose/Mickey/Jake Are My OT3, but I foolishly went looking for a suitable screencap to illustrate it and next thing I knew I had many pictures of the three of them solo and in various combinations. So: below the cut are around 40 pictures of Mickey, Jake and Rose, looking hot, looking badass, and looking amusingly out of context. Not remotely dialup friendly. The screencaps come from the brilliant time-and-space.co.uk, resized and uploaded onto my own server.


To take our trio in non-alphabetical order: we'll start with Rose Tyler.

Rose enjoys travel...

And modelling the latest in fashionable eyewear.

She's also extremely smiley.

But don't be fooled by the cuteness. She could kick your ass. Oh yes.

I'm sure it's against some sort of picspam law to use three caps from the same scene, but Rose is so impossibly adorable in this scene from Boomtown that I couldn't decide on a cap:


Jake hails from 'Pete's world', the parallel universe we first saw in Age of Steel/Rise of the Cybermen. Before the episode, spoiler whores like myself who knew about the casting were speculating that in the alternate universe Pete and Jackie had had a son instead of a daughter, and Jake was the male Rose; in hindsight, this might have made my ship a bit weird.

The important things to know about Jake are this: he is a blond, pretty, funny Geordie who pulls entertaining faces.


Oh, Mickey. Mickey gets my favourite character arc so far in Doctor Who - more on that in part 2 - and he's just so damn hot that I found it difficult to limit myself to only 7 or 8 pictures, because while I agree that the Tennants and Barrowmans of this world are pretty attractive, Mickey... well, see for yourself.

In this picture he may actually be the best looking man I've ever seen. It makes me swoon like a Victorian lady.


The three ships contained within the overall Rose/Mickey/Jake trio are all great (and extremely pretty), which is one of my requisites for an OT3. First off, Rose and Mickey, mostly from Doomsday:

I like this one for two reasons: firstly because of the white coats, Rose and Mickey having separately come up with the brilliant plan of infiltrating Torchwood by posing as Proper Skientists, and secondly because Rose hasn't seen Mickey since he decided to stay in the other world, as they thought forever, and she's looking at him like she fancies some of that.

*swoon, again*

My favourite picture of these two. If that Earth Defence spinoff had been made? This should have been a promo picture, because they look like badass professional earth-defenders here.


Yeah, these two know how hot they are.

Gratuitous hugging FTW!

"Yes, Jamie Mickey, it is a big one."

The scene below is the uncut version of the van scene at the end of Rise of the Cybermen: it was decided before airing to remove the line about Ricky being Jake's boyfriend (as someone on dw_slash pointed out, Mickey's suggestion that they go to the most romantic city in the world would look a bit unintentionally cruel if he'd only just found out that his dead alternate-world double had been Jake's boyfriend...)

image Click to view


I thought I wouldn't be able to have this section because there was never a shot of just the two of them, but on my screencapping adventures I found that, lo and behold, they have a scene in Doomsday. Jake's even looking at her. Compared to some of the things I ship, this is practically canon.


Again, I wasn't even sure there was a moment when the three of them were onscreen together, but I was in luck:

Everything else

I had to include Mickey giving a 'bitch, please' look to a Dalek.

Context is for the weak.

And again:

Jake's is a hard job, but somebody has to do it.


why I ship plus recs to follow.

jake, mickey/rose, mickey/jake/rose, # rare ships month, rose, mickey/jake

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