Title: The Strength to Hold On (The Halley’s Comet Remix)
stunt_muppetCharacters/Pairings: Liz Shaw/Martha Jones, Liz Shaw/OFC, Third Doctor, Eighth Doctor
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Summary: Forty years in the life of Elizabeth Shaw, waiting for a paradox to unravel.
Word Count: ~6,600
Original Story: The Strength to Let Go (
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Comments 11
I loved this very much, as much as the original. And Unexpected!Eight was unexpected but very welcome...
Lovely stuff...
These two bits: Liz had just been talking about not giving up part of her life out there in the corners of the universe, and now there was this whole part of her future she was willing to give up to someone she might never see again? and The periodicity of comets, sparking bright against the telescope and promising to reappear years, centuries later really did it for me. V. poignant.
So, yes, I loved the Liz/Martha, and I certainly loved that incredibly vivid scene between Three and Liz as she left UNIT, but I think my favorite part was Liz's anger, confusion, and regret after breaking it off with Emma. Even after the storybook reunion, I couldn't shake all the doubts that section raised about the wisdom of waiting, and Emma herself felt so real.
So, yeah, embarrassingly long comment. TL;DR, really liked this.
Thanks for the comments, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I want to go up to them and say ‘And you were there!’” She pointed at imaginary passerby to illustrate, as if to make up for the grim mood. “’And you! And you! You went over to his side early, and you wouldn’t hand over your family to save yourself, and you -”
Secondly, wow. I loved this. I was actually a bit nervous about joining who_remix, since I've never done before, but I love the shift in perspective and how you used the bones from my story to create a great picture of Liz. The comet, tying it together, was a great idea as well!
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