Title: The UNIT Recruit's Handbook
tigerkat24Characters/Pairings: Brigadier Winifred Bambera/Ancelyn, the Master, the Rani, Lucy Saxon, the Tenth Doctor, Donna, the Sea Devils, UNIT in general
Rating: PG at most.
Summary: The zeroth law of UNIT: it always gets weirder.
Word Count: 1000
Original Story: The Unbearable Weirdness of Being UNIT, by
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Comments 17
Not to mention that the sampling of UNIT rules functioning as scene dividers are utterly funny and make me want to see the rest of them :D :D
So yeah. I am basically metaphorically dancing around with happy and glee! TO THIS SONG IN FACT. (Just like the Master :D)
Um, and thanks for what you said in the author's notes. You cannot see me here, but I am puffed up from all this praise.
Coming up with the UNIT rules was definitely the most fun part of writing this. Actually, UNIT rule number 39 sprang into my head while reading The Unbearable Weirdness of Being UNIT and it just sort of went from there.
So, yes, thank you for the compliment, and you deserve every bit of the praise. :D
The rules inspired this fic in the first place. Rule 39 appeared in my head, and then Julian and Holly appeared, and generally I think I've maybe read "101 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the US Army" too many times, but I am saddened that there is not a UNIT list. Filling the rest of the rules in should be a group project though.
Thanks for the comment, and I'm so glad you liked it!
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