Title: Bitter Truths (A Bitter Tears, Bitter Laughter Remix)
scarlettgirlCharacters/Pairings: Peri Brown, Adam Mitchell
Rating: PG
Summary: A girl out of time and a boy out of options discover they have more in common than either would have imagined
Word Count: 1,037
Original Story: Bitter Laughter, Bitter Tears by amaresu
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Comments 9
It was there that he discovered that on a corner at 3 a.m. words like “lost” and “abandoned” aren’t so different. <---One of my favorite lines. There are too many to quote them all, but I adore this one.
I'm gonna sit here and make flaily hands for a bit.
*I was hoping to meet you at Writercon and chat BFA but when I mentioned to my reg team I hadn't seen "amaresu" all weekend they reminded me you were using a different badge name. *facepalm* Missed opportunity!
It looks just fine to me. I'm glad you had fun writing it.
Sometimes I like to pretend The Long Game never happened. (Adam went on a few adventures with them and then found a nice girl to go off and marry after knowing her for about three hours.) Adam really got the short end of the stick companion wise. I love that you managed to keep his conniving bastard side there, it's brilliant.
The funny thing is that we did actually talk a couple of times at Writercon. Teach me to sign up for things while sleep deprived and unsure of how it all worked. It would've been nice to chat about BFA though.
Oof. It hurts, but in a good way! Great work.
Poor Adam. I want to dislike him but I just can't. I think he's a product of conditioning - the sense of entitlement and jack-assery thats a result of being smart and having smoke blown up your ass your entire life.
Oh, ouch. Speaking of playing angles, I love the one you've selected here, because this facet of Adam is so believable. He's manipulative and he's disingenuous, but he's so damned ordinary in that, and still not vicious, and I just can't help feeling for him, anyway. And doubly so for Peri as a result.
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