You see shit like that and it just plants seeds.

Mar 16, 2004 22:29

"It makes you think it's possible... even easy. Then you turn on the tv and there's just more of it. The $87 million dollar lottery winner. That kid actor that just made $20 million on his last movie. That internet stock that shot through the roof. You could have made millions on it if you've just got in early. And that's just what I'm going ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

Before... cillaboink March 16 2004, 21:53:03 UTC
I say what's really on my mind...I'd like a little clairfication...thank you...


Re: Before... whodoyouthink March 17 2004, 04:42:13 UTC
just a bunch of random thoughts..... don't we all deserve a little clarification?


Re: Before... cillaboink March 17 2004, 22:04:25 UTC
Unless we become soooooooooooo clear that we can't see ourselves!!


Re: Before... whodoyouthink March 18 2004, 06:48:48 UTC
not bad.... i ALMOST laughed


mableclaid March 17 2004, 05:02:46 UTC
you're second to me. so there fucker. but really you are probably actually #1. but if you were the 2 it would only be by like .000034% loss.


Who Fucking Cares? chilliestyle March 17 2004, 20:34:42 UTC

... )


Re: Who Fucking Cares? whodoyouthink March 18 2004, 06:47:38 UTC
my bad dood.... next time ill make sure i get with you and see what i should put in my journal to make it interesting.... for YOU.... i mean... why else am i doing this... it certainly aint for vented frustration..... thats what your face is for ;)


Re: Who Fucking Cares? chilliestyle March 18 2004, 10:10:38 UTC
haha i just wanted to use that picture on somebody's post. yours seemed to be the right one at the moment.


Re: Who Fucking Cares? stabbakittie March 18 2004, 19:43:11 UTC


feel stabbakittie March 18 2004, 19:41:33 UTC
I can't stop wondering who you are.


Re: feel whodoyouthink March 18 2004, 20:08:23 UTC
was that an insightful response or was that a real question?


Re: feel stabbakittie March 19 2004, 09:38:12 UTC


Re: feel whodoyouthink March 19 2004, 10:18:16 UTC
this is jack bia!.... thought you wouldve figured that out by now.


I would like to know............. dajournalmaster March 24 2004, 17:46:18 UTC
WHAT BAND HAS THOSE LYRICS? Don't say a rude sarcastic dumbass remark about the question i know i probably already know the band but hey i forget stuff so back to my question fucker! Who is that? band or person which ever it is.


Re: I would like to know............. whodoyouthink March 25 2004, 06:01:53 UTC
puddle of mudd


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