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Euroland pics
Jun 17, 2005 08:42
I have about 270 pics, I'm debating wheter to put them all on, but here's the 1st set.
This is the first thing I saw when I walked out the airport in Rome.
Taken outside the airport in Rome.
The view from our balcony in Santa Marinella.
We found a cave in the beach in Santa Marinella.
Its kinda dark, but thats me on the coast.
Kristen on a dock.
Me dodging the waves on the dock.
Kristen and Marshall catching fireflies.
2 italian guys walking down an alley at pompeii
a penis on the street of pompeii, it points the way to the brothel.
The forum in pompeii.
me and Marshall outside of Pompeii
The train station in Sorrento.
stairs in sorrento
The marina on Capri.
From the boat tour we took around the Island.
taken from the highest point on the island.
a road the Romans built on Capri.
a british guy in a tree.
at the vatican.
st. peters square.
The Pope.
The Pieta in st. peters Cathedral.
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