I've just realised that it's ages since I've posted anything on this.
Most of the time I'm not really sure what to post!
My life just isn't that exciting. I feel like I should be treating this like and actual physical diary, writing down all I feel. But there's a stupid fag in my class who does this and I in no way what to be even a little bit like her.
I found some old diary pages today when I was cleaning. There were from when I was in 5th class. What struck me was how stupid and arrogant I was! I know, that was back then and this is now. But if I met the person who wrote thsoe diary pages now, I'd have nothing to do with her...I'd think she was a pretencious brat who was completly self obsessed.
And so I'm so reluctant to write anything here just so when I look back in 5/10 years I won't be faced with stupid teenage me...
I was at a gig on Sat night which was raising money for Gary Kelly Cancer Care.
And the gig last night was 'Oxjam', which was raising money towards Oxfam. Both nights were class, there were a LOT of emos on Sat night which did my head in. But last night was far better, there were better bands playing...Even though my friend's band Insanity didn't play a single song I recognised (guess I'm just not hxc =]). They were like third band on at 10 and the whole thing wasn't over til 12.
Some random guy (well, he's lead singer of one of the bands playing) told me he liked my hair curly. Then he came over to me again to say hello. and when I was standing at the door at one point he waved. Ugh. My firend Kyla told me 'not to go there'. I wasn't planning. Although i got the feeling someone else was watching me the entire night, I'm not gonna say anything because I could be reading WAY too much into it. And I don't want to. And now i sound like bloody 11 year old me again. :(