I am so hellbent now on making a snuggling penguins icon. Who can resist the cuteness of penguins and their cute little flappy wings and waddlefeet?
I would like to pose an informal poll.
When I typed "snuggle" into Google Images in an attempt to find a cute picture of snuggling cats (who snuggle more than any animal I've ever seen, or at least get caught snuggling more than any other), a lot of pictures came up that I didn't really think constituted snuggling (ie, resting a head on someone's shoulder for a pose).
Snuggling is _________.
a. Hugging between lovers.
b. Hugging between anyone.
c. Spooning.
d. Reverse spooning (facing one another).
e. Touching someone else in any non-sexual way.
f. Something that only happens after sex.
g. Something that only happens in fic.
h. Something that only queers do.
g. Any embrace in non-standing position (ie, involves furniture).
i. Sustained non-sexual hugging.
j. Other (please explain)
And, based on that definition....
I think it's appropriate to snuggle...
i. a lover.
ii. a hookup.
iii. a friend.
iv. a family member.
v. a stranger.
vi. an animal.
vii. an inanimate object.