POI fic: More Games

May 20, 2012 20:27

TITLE: POI fic - More Games
AUTHOR: whomii2
SUMMARY: part of the Games series  http://whomii2.livejournal.com/20880.html

John figured he might just win this one. Sure, Finch was used to dealing with delicate electronics. But John had been trained in bomb disposal and that certainly took a steady hand he thought as he prepared to remove the funny bone



This was as good a way as any to let off some steam. They certainly couldn’t go around punching each other in the face in real life. With that John executed a right-left combination followed by an uppercut that knocked the head off of Fusco’s robot

(Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robot)


“Yahtzee” Finch exclaimed once again. The others groaned and figured this game was pretty much over. They should have learned their lesson and never bet on the outcome.



By mutual agreement they stopped playing Hot Potato after the first try. It was too evocative of dealing with live grenades.

(Hot Potato)


Fusco squirmed with embarrassment. Reese and Finch looked calm and collected (and slightly bored) but Fusco figured they were just as uncomfortable as he was, just hiding it better the bastards. Carter was smirking at them all. Even though she was behind, Fusco figured she had really won when she bullied them into playing Candyland.



Finally they had found an activity they could all enjoy. Finch had obtained all the supplies and taken over the organization, printing out grid after grid from his laptop. He took charge of the portion on the desk and end tables, while Reese took care of the ramps and loops and Fusco and Carter worked on the larger setup on the floor. Finally finished, they huddled companionably in the doorway, watching the Hot Wheels speed around the track

(Hot Wheels)

fic, poi: games series, person of interest

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