TITLE: POI fic - Double Trouble
AUTHOR: whomii2
SUMMARY: Games series #12
John blamed it all on the beer. They had retired to a back table at a nearby bar following the events leading to the conclusion of their latest number. Finch had offered to pay for a round or two as his driver would be available to take them all home. They had started some idle small talk to help unwind. The topic had turned to the Olympics, and Carter had commented that some events should be combined rather than separated by gender. John had made the mistake of implying that men would have an unfair advantage in any sport requiring even mild physical exertion. Finch and Fusco immediately shifted away from John as Carter said coolly “Oh really?”
Unwilling to back down, John nodded.
“So you think you could beat me in any contest involving physical activity?”
That wasn’t quite what he had meant, but having dug his hole he went ahead and jumped in with both feet. “Uh, yes?”
Smiling an evil smile, she replied “Let’s see about that.”
Finch paid for their drinks and they left to pile into the limo. After obtaining the necessary “equipment” they stopped at an appropriate venue for the challenge - an empty parking lot. With Finch and Fusco acting as the turners, Carter and Reese commenced a heated competition of double-dutch jump rope, both jumping at the same time. Reese blamed the beer for his rather embarrassingly short run. Carter continued on, showing off some rather fancy footwork to further John’s humiliation. She only faltered when Finch, no doubt under the influence of his own beers, broke out in a rather raptastic skipping rhyme.