TITLE: POI fic - Change of Heart
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own
SUMMARY: Smallville crossover fusion #2. Nathan Kent sees Harold Luthor in a new light
NOTES: in this fusion Harold=Lex Luthor, John=Clark Kent, Nathan=Jonathan Kent
Takes place shortly after Harold and John become friends in Smallville
Nathan wasn’t too pleased with John getting to know Harold Luthor. “I knew his father, Lionel, and that man was truly evil”
"Harold isn’t his father” John snapped in reply, surprised that the man who had raised him and instilled in him his values could be so pigheadedly blind in this regard.
Nathan Kent thought he might have to revise his opinion about that Luthor boy. He had returned late from a meeting of the farmer’s association, surprised to see Harold’s BMW in the drive and lights on in the barn. Entering the barn, he found the Luthor heir sitting on the floor in his expensive suit, covered in kittens who were scratching and clawing their way up said suit in a fight over the baby bottle full of milk Harold held in his hand. John was looking on at his friend with a big grin on his face, as Harold seemed both bemused and confounded by his predicament. The sight of the large box labeled “Free Kittens” that Nathan had passed by in front of the store earlier that day explained the presence of the cats.
It was hard to view the boy as Absolute Evil while he was covered in fluffy kitties. It was hard to view the lad with a straight face when the two boys began to argue about names (Harold's literary and historical suggestions seemed hilariously incongruos for the small fluffy cats).
Nathan would have to admit John was right in this case.