POI fic: Henchman AU #5 - Acquisitions

Jul 12, 2015 09:10

TITLE: Henchman AU #5 - Acquisitions
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own
SUMMARY: our gang prepares for their first missions...

With the addition of Fusco, John was officially Finch’s Number One Right Hand Man. John could now employ that condescending attitude that had so irritated him when he was on the receiving end from Stanton. Now it was finally John’s turn!

So they began preparations for their upcoming missions. Fortunately Finch had decreed that their work clothes would be simple business suits -- no garish costumes (John was quite relieved as he hadn't wanted to end up in purple spandex)

John was a bit disappointed in their weaponry though. Finch had created for them some nonlethal stun guns, although he did also give them some cool Jetpacks. And the Personal Shields were thoughtful - most Super Villains didn't show much concern for their minions. Their finicky boss also created a gun that actually zapped dirt. John whiled away a pleasant afternoon shooting dust bunnies around Headquarters.

Perhaps the most “dangerous” weapon Finch had created was the Naked Ray Gun-for use in cases of crimes against fashion. Although unfortunately most of the worst offenders would be people you wouldn’t want to see naked. John was still scarred from when they tested the gun on Fusco’s work coveralls.

So properly outfitted and equipped, they started their crime spree. Finch mainly had John & Fusco “liberating” a number of rare first editions. It wasn’t quite what John was used to but it did make a refreshing change. They very rarely got shot at and usually didn’t even need to raise their voices during the thefts. Their victims merely begged that the books not be harmed and they seemed somewhat reassured when they saw the care with which they packed up their loot before making their escape.

fic, poi au, person of interest

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