TITLE: the Army Doctor
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own
SUMMARY: John Watson from BBC Sherlock (post season 2)
Harold thought that the army doctor might make an excellent operative. Watson had shown that he was willing to risk dangerous situations in the pursuit of justice and to help others. He had the compassion of a doctor but also the courage and ability of a well-trained soldier. He was even willing to employ methods that weren't entirely legal if it was necessary to achieve a satisfactory resolution to a case.
But as good a fit as Watson might seem, the reasons why Finch was interested were a bit more personal. Harold had become familiar with the doctor's blog during his long convalescence following the explosion at the ferry. The doctor's stories were much more entertaining than his partner's dry Art of Detection website. Initially Finch had found himself relating to the doctor's struggles with his war injuries and his limp. More recently Finch found himself sadly empathizing with the man's loss of his best friend.
Harold thought that the opportunity to work with the Numbers might be a way to pull the doctor out of his grief and give the man a new purpose. But getting him to relocate to the United States, that might be difficult. And if Harold was correct in his interpretation of what some of the bits of information he had discovered while investigating the detective's recent suicide and the death of this nemesis really meant, then it would be best if the good doctor stayed in London for the foreseeable future.