Dec 05, 2010 18:28

If anything is unclear, the best policy is to ask me for clarification. I'm always up to answering any questions and working things out so that we're on the same page!


Character Name:

Katherine Pierce / Katerina Petrova

Species (human/alien/vampire/other?):


Extra-human/abnormal abilities, if any?:

Enhanced senses, reflexes, strength and speed, immortality and eternal youth, strong tolerance for pain, rapid healing, immunity to vervain (specific to Katherine), mind control, dream manipulation, ability to manipulate weather (fog) and animals.


1. Is it okay for your character's thoughts to be read/their mind to be probed?

It could prove to be difficult, as Katherine is a fairly old vampire (535 years) and usually vampires cannot be read like that. In TVD canon, age often gives vampires more tolerance/resistance to mental powers (say, from witches, for example). But talk to me and we'll work it out!

2. Is it okay for any of your character’s intense/distressing memories to be seen/heard/read in this situation?

Sure, but please ask me first as this sort of ties in with #1.

3. What kind of mind does your character have? Are they disturbed at all? Are their thoughts ordered or jumbled?

Katherine's mind is... probably not such a pleasant place. She's extremely self-involved, greedy, prideful and vain. Everything revolves around herself, and to hell with anyone else. She's done her fair share of killing people for food, so there is definitely some disturbing material there, too. As a vampire, the baser urges are always there right beneath the surface, but she has them well enough under control most of the time.

4. Is it okay for your character’s emotions to be sensed?

See #2.

5. Does your character have a weak or strong mind? Are they susceptible to influence or hypnotism?

Very strong. As a vampire with mental abilities of her own, she's not susceptible to mental messing about at all - she's the one that does the messing. And she'll like it. But it's not an impossibility, so let's talk if you have ideas!

6. Does your character have supernatural/mental fortification against mind-reading or telepathic communication?

Yes. See #1 of this section.

7. In the case of characters who are extra-sentient/psychic and can just 'know' things about people, can the muns of these characters use the powers of Wikipedia to get information about your character?

Absolutely. However, keep in mind again the answer to #1. Also, please no revealing that she's a vampire - in TVD canon, the vampires look and feel pretty much like any other regular person does.

8. If so, is there anything that should absolutely never ever be brought up?

Well, I ask that nobody reveals the fact that she's a vampire, as the TVD crowd likes to keep that under wraps in canon. The slaughter of her family in Bulgaria in 1492.

9. Anything that should absolutely be brought up?

Nothing that I can think of.

10. Will thoughts in the narration be up for grabs? If so, how will you indicate these? Italics/strikes/something else?

Yes, anything in brackets or italics can be nabbed.

11. Does your character have any fears/phobias that you wouldn't mind being exploited? Ones that you'd like to NOT be exploited?

Well, she's been on the run for the last +500 years from a group of hella old, powerful vampires called the Originals, namely one named Klaus. She's pretty afraid of him/them. I don't mind if this is exploited, but again there's the whole "don't tell she's a vampire" thing and the answer to #1 and #5 of this section to consider. Again, let's talk about it, lol.


1. Is it okay for your character to be affected by chemical agents? Fear toxins, for example?

I don't see why not, but please ask me first.

2. Does your character have any unique biological difference that would affect their resistance to toxins/chemical substances?

Vampires have a resistance to toxins other than vervain, I believe, although Katherine has an immunity to vervain also. We can talk about this.

3. Does your character have any notable genetic/supernatural/biological difference that would make their blood in any way different to a regular baseline human's (that would make them taste different if they were fed on by a vampire, for example)?

Vampire blood has healing properties, but other than that, I don't think there's anything.


1. How okay are you with your character coming to physical harm?

Very okay. Anything aside from a stake to the heart is cool, but talk to me first. And expect her to get back at your character.

2. How okay are you with your character's home/possessions being targeted by bad guys?

She's currently staying at one of the suites in the Taxon hotel, so yes. It would be okay as it's sort of a public building instead of something owned by Katherine.

3. Can your character be impacted by telekinesis?

Yes, but ask me first please.

4. With regard to vampires, would your character be willing to be a donor?

Vampire blood cannot sustain other vampires, so that'd be pretty pointless.

5. If no, then how about unwilling?

See above.

6. With regard to shapeshifters, are you okay with having those with this power taking the shape of your character?

Very okay, but let me know first!

7. If your character has any superhuman abilities, would you be okay with these being replicated by those who have the power to absorb/take on the powers of others?

I don't really know if basic vampire abilities such as strenght/speed etc. can be replicated like that, but again, we can talk about it.

8. In a physical confrontation, is it okay if characters who have the power to sense/foresee/predict movements use this to their advantage against your character?

Sure, but be aware that Katherine can very ruthless and cunning and that she's been around for a while.

9. Are you willing to participate in plots where your character will sustain damage outside of a fight, such as in situations with torture, environmental hazards, or accidents?

For sure!

10. Is there anything about them that would stand out noticeably (things like scars, physical augmentations, illness, anomalies, etc.) if they were ever injured or otherwise examined by a doctor? Are any of these things noticeable to others without close inspection?

Any injuries on vampires heal very rapidly, and their body temperature is slightly cooler than that of regular humans. But they can drink coffee for the caffeine boost for increased circulation. Katherine has no other physical signs that might stand out - although if you're really good doctor, you may be able to tell that she has given birth once.


1. Can your character be influenced and tempted by magical or supernatural means?

Yes, canonically TVD vampires are quite susceptible to spells and magic. Just let me know, first.

2. If yes, will someone with the ability be able to find this out about them, and in what areas (think the seven deadly sins) can your character be tempted?

Pride, greed, lust. Appealing to her selfish, hedonistic impulses usually works.

3. Could your character be glamoured (a form of mind control employed by vampires to make humans compliant/alter their memories etc.)?

Nope. In canon, only the Originals can compel other vampires.

4. Can your character be effected by spells of any kind, and are there any specific types to which they would be immune?

See #1 of this section; nothing comes to mind that she'd be immune to.

5. Can your character's presence be sensed by characters with the power to read auras/pick up generalized vibes from people?

Sure! But it would be generalized indeed due to the vampire thing.

6. If yes, what kind of stand-out things about your character can be sensed?

Just a general feeling of her current mindset, I think. Maybe an overall vibe of not-so-niceness, sob.

7. With regard to characters that can sense danger/receive visions/predict general doom, are you okay with your character being the subject of any of this, if the occasion arises?

Sure! We can talk about this.


1. Will your character change their name as it is shown on the map? If so, what will they change it to?

Probably not.

2. If they’re able, will they ever opt to hide their location on the map?

If she doesn't wish to be found, then yes, she might.

3. If your character is from an earlier point in their canon than another member of your cast, what is and is not okay for your fellow castmate to spill the beans about regarding your character’s future?

I think my character is ahead all my castmates, atm. I don't really mind any bean spilling, I think I can roll with pretty much anything.

4. With regard to characters that like to snoop, can they find anything that's been publicly said by your character through the tablets?


5. How about privately?

If they have the mad hacking skillz, why not.

6. Is there anything you'd especially like to be known about your character, for the purposes of amusement?

Not really.

7. Anything you especially don't?

Well, the vampire thing, obviously, not until it becomes public knowledge at some point.

8 Do you like threadhopping (a character not already in a thread jumping in unexpectedly to reply to a comment), and are you okay with other people threadhopping in your threads and posts?

I like and encourage threadhopping, but I try to make sure the other person is down with it too. People can threadhop and -jack freely in my posts/comments.


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