Kaylin Ann was born on July 4th weighing in at 5lb 3oz. They induced me two weeks early because they didn't like the way her heart was reacting during the contractions. She is a tiny little thing but she tore me all to hell. We ended up staying in the hospital for an extra two days due to jaundice but she is doing much better now.
After being told on the 29th that I "could go any day now" I decided to go over to the hospital on the 3rd to see if I was progressing. That was at 4pm. I was starting to dialate but I was having very few contractions and the ones I did have were very hard to feel because they weren't that strong. After having me hooked up to the monitors for an hour or so the doctor got concerned because she wasn't moving around as much as she should after she used the buzzing thing and after I drank a can of Sprite.
At 7 I was told they were going to give me an IV of pitocin and see how her heart was when I had a contraction. The pitocin gave me a 7 minute contraction, that I didn't feel, and that Kaylin hated. So they increased the dosage, broke my water, put an internal monitor her head, and hooked up the penicillin for the Group B Strep. At 8:30pm I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes and I could hardly feel them. After a few hours an internal contraction monitor was incerted because I was moving around too much for the external monitor to pick it up. Basiclly what they were doing was making sure he heart rate only changed during the contraction and not randomly.
At about 1:00am I had a huge urge to push, but I was only dialated to 9cm so it wasn't safe for me to start pushing yet. Lelan had to hold oxygen to my face because I was hyperventilating during the contractions. When I was allowed to start pushing I pushed for 28 minutes. In that time frame I was threatened with an episiotomy and a vacuum. Lelan still had the oxygen to my face because I wasn't breathing like I should have been and at one point I was even seeing stars. I knew I didn't want to be cut and I sure as hell didn't want them to use a vacuum so I concentrated harder on pushing. It was so weird to actually feel her coming out of me. I could feel more pressue and pain, and then even more as more of her head came out. Once her head came out the doctor pretty much pulled her out. That is what hurt the most. I tore like hell, I know I did because the doctor wouldn't tell me how many stitches it took after I asked her twice.
After Lelan cut the cord they layed her on my stomach and I was shaking so hard and pretty much in a state of awe that I had no idea what to do. The guy that was doing the Apgar testing actually told me I could touch her. I remember the first thing I said was "She's so tiny". After that they took her a few feet to the right and checked her heart rate and everything else. There was a bit of a scare with her heart rate and her temp, but after a good two hours everything ended up being ok.
While in the mother baby unit I could barely sleep. I just felt like I didn't need to. I probably got like a total of 3 hours of sleep in those first 2 days. She had a bit of a speed bump with the whole latching thing but her gluclose and diapers were ok. After I figured out that I couldn't nurse her in the bed I tried the rocking chair and she did much better after that.
While we were in the hospital Lelan took care of Kaylin more then I did. I am very glad that he did because it gave me a chance to concentrate on myself without feeling selfish. Plus I don't think I could have pulled her away from him if I wanted to.
About an hour after we were suposed to be discharged on thr 6th she had yet another blood test for all the diseases they check for and when they brought her back they told us we couldn't leave because she was jaundiced. For anyone that doesn't know, jaundice is where the baby's liver can't break down the extra red blood cells properly and they turn yellow. The best way to correct this is to stick the baby under UV lights because it speeds up the process of the body breaking down the red blood cells.
She was under those lights for about 26.5 hours. I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life. We couldn't hold her except to feed her and we even got yelled at for feeding her too much. Right after they put her under the lights my blood pressure was higher and my feet were already swollen from sitting in the rocking chair without a foot stool so shortly after discharging just me they readmitted me because they were afraid I'd develop pre-eclampsia because of the blood pressure and the swelling. Well duh my blood pressure spiked, my baby was under UV lights with a space age goggle head gear thing on and I couldn't touch her.
They gave me an Ambien that night but I only took half of it because even though Lelan was staying the night I knew that even though he had a bit more sleep then I did he busted his butt the day before getting the house ready and he was tired. Plus him having hypoglycemia and barely eating doesn't help much. I hated the half asleep spaced out feeling I was having while taking care of her. I know there are going to be many times where I'd feel like that naturally but I didn't like the drug induced feeling.
At 10am on the 7th they told us the jaundice was getting better and we could take her out from the lights. At 2pm they checked her blood again and two hours later they had the results. The pediatrician told us as long as it was under 14 we could take her home, it was 11 so we could take her home! Now were just waiting on someone to discharge me. Of course that took forever and by the time we got home it was after 5pm.
Earlier today I thought she looked at bit yellow again but Lelan took her outside into the sun and checked her out. He thinks it's just the lighting in the house but we are going to take her outside for a few minutes each day so she can get some of the natural UV to help break down more of the red blood cells.
Since we've been home we have been doing really well. She's eating, sleeping, and pooping like she should be. Lelan had to run all around town earlier today to find her some more premie outfits because it looks like she is going to be in them for a while because they are huge on her.
She has her first doctor appointment in two weeks, it's two days after my due date which is the weirdest feeling.