01. Name: Amber.
02. Age: Thirteen. So young, I know.
03. Location: Texas.
04. Sexual Preference: Boys, please. <3
Where did you hear about us?: radioxsurgery__. I was planning on joining after this. Just checking it out.
05. 15+ Bands:
x. Hellogoodbye
x. DeathCabForCutie
x. FallOutBoy
x. TakingBackSunday
x. MyChemicalRomance
x. FromAutumnToAshes
x. DaphneLovesDerby
x. BrightEyes
x. TheKillers
x. Thursday
x. PostalService
x. Atreyu
x. Weezer
x. TheMisfits
x. AlkalineTrio
06. Favorite color: Pink, definitely. Such a fan. (:
07. 5 Movies: Mean Girls, American Pie, Napolean Dynamite, The Notebook, Legally Blonde. I'm such a nerd. rofl.
08. 5 Books: The Giver, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Notebook, Pet Sematary, Phantom of the Opera.
09. Llamas or cows?: Llamas, duh.
10. Describe yourself in 5 sentences: Well, I'm rather random at times, and I have bursts of energy. I'm bipolar, and I have mood swings like, every so often. I'm left-handed, which isn't that interesting, but my science teacher thinks I'm "evil", because in the 1800s, left handed people were supposedly told that. I can be really secretive, so people can trust me with things. <3. Oh, and I'm a major girly girl, so I love anything to do with makeup. Ta-da.
Did you put the banner in your userinfo?: Of course.
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=retr0romance // User info
http://www.livejournal.com/~retr0romance // Journal
http://www.livejournal.com/community/xxfuckable/11569.html // Community
12. 6+ Pictures:
&there you go.