Last updated 24th December
Kamina's mostly restless. He needs things to do, things to take over. Things to accomplish. Needs to jump Yoko, really. He's rather worried about the whole Adiane and Viral in camp thing. If there's two beastmen it means there can be more Beastmen. Mostly, though, he's pretty zen. People can't die here, after all, so what fucking use is there killing them over and over again? He's not a sadist.
-- Learn to read.
-- Take down the barrier, be it by force or guile.
-- Reach the skies in a spacecraft.
-- Get those guys out of the Underground cabin.
-- Eat as much as humanly possible.
-- Beat up on Kurogane sometime. And Hei.
-- Who the hell knows what with Yoko.
-- Find out about dead people.
-- Take down that Pirate Ship.
-- Teach Nia to talk right.
-- Mess with Viral and his kids /o/
Al - TINY GANMEN what the fuck. There's gotta be a dude in there somewhere.
Akito (Air Gear) - Just a kid! But a friendly, energetic one.
Anenome - Hehn! At least she's got spirit, heh! Reminds him of Yoko.
Ash - AWESOME little kid okay he's rocking.
Ayame - He's weird okay. :( Like a weird Leron who's. Weird. Yeah.
Benibara - K-Kamina likes Benibara okay. She knows how to insult people.
Boyan - Sounds like a helluva Brigade owner, yo!
Brook - The most upright and decent skeleton Kamina's ever seen. ttly nice guy.
Catherine - ... oi. Mind the rough.
Chizu-nee - He's PRETTY SURE she's having fun stringing people around. But she's good folk.
Cooro/Nana/Husky - HAHA Awesome.
Cornelia - Must be a strategist, yo. Real frank about stuff.
Fay - Noodly Guy. Teaches Nia and Simon. Would like to know WHY HE'S MISSING AN EYE.
Filif - This place makes my head hurt.
Fuuko - Good kid. Always up for stuff.
George (Man) - Think he's laughin' at us. Ain't sure.
George - She's a girl, y'know. Gave him a peptalk.
Gojyo - He's a guy, y'know.
Gremio - Too quiet: just a guy, y'know.
Guren - TINY BEASTMAN but he's pretty harmless. Hell of a bite and tongue on him when he gets going. Kinda fun!
Harper - Got some sense, yo! And he's a PILOT AND ENGINEER
Heather - Oi, y'try ta help someone.
Hei - Kamina trusts Li and Hei both. But wouldn't mind taking him on sometime.
Hellboy - wut. big red guy.
Hulkling - BEASTMAN Tch!
Ikki - Ikki's a great kid. Friend of Hei's somehow, but total Brigade material. A-Ts are weird.
Joe Black - Hehn! Can't stand up to this Kamina-sama, yo!
Kazu - WUSS
Keigo - Male Konata! FUCKIN' A, YO
Kenpachi - Fuckin' thug, yo. Ain't no reason for that.
Konata - Another world or not, she's helped out and is great fun. Total Brigade member.
Kotarou - Great kid. Enjoys a hell of a fight, heh!
Kurogane - Good guy. Teaches Simon. Would kind of like to know why he's MISSING AN ARM.
Lelouch - Thinker not a fighter, yo! Leave it to the pros!
Lina - Annoying and BOSSY >/
Max - G-god what it's Leron mk 2.
Masahiro - Got a bit of fight in him, yo!
Maya - MORE TINY KIDS but at least she recognized him for what he was!
Mia - Dead. Apparently a lot of dead ones. Kind of strict.
Mikuru - SO CONFUSING so wussy. Alright once you calm her down.
Milly - His opinion of her's gone up. She's sharp and quick-wit. Good kid!
Nia - Kind of confusing. But Simon's vouched for her and she's a good kid.
Ogiue - Konata's partner, yo!
Phoenix - WUSS
Rossiu - Rossiu's a decent guy, much to Kamina's chagrin. He's quiet and too-serious and really messes with Kamina's head coming from so late. But he's still a GL member.
Setsuna - Little kid with a sword. Needs a talking to. It's not for her.
Shikimaru - Excellent to screw with.
Simon (Gurren Lagann) - DUH WHAT. Kamina's secretly very glad he's showing a lot more cheer and courage now. He'll grow up well. Best ever little guy.
Simon (Firefly) - He's a wuss, but he's a doc.
Sonken - It's a-- we don't know.
Tamaki - Tamaki's earnt Kamina's trust. He's a real good kid, if creepy at times.
Tohru - He'd never admit it but Tohru kind of owns him, huh. He'd normally get up in people's faces, even cute kids, to try to rile them up but she was genuinely selfless and helpful in a weird situation.
Tomo - The hell is /b anyhow?
Urd - Pretty~~
Viral - Bastard furry! He's looking after some kids, heh!
Yoko - Yoko is his GIRLFRIEND guyz for reals now. \o/
Yuu-chan - Just a girl, y'know?