Owing to the generosity of a good friend who unexpectedly handed me funds for the whole cost (and who shall remain nameless so as to keep his mitzvah), I can now afford new eyeglasses!
That being said, several individuals did donate money through the chipin.com link (thank you!), so I now have some extra funds.
At milady wife's (
fabricdragon) suggestion, I am delaying the purchase of the new glasses and putting the donated funds toward an eye exam. I will order the glasses after the exam.
Now, since the exam itself is not cheap ($105, owing to the extra testing I need owing to being a Type II diabetic), I am re-posting the original chipin.com link which has been renamed to "Eye Exam for Wayne". While the $60 requested will not cover all of the exam costs, it will surely offset a lot of them.
So, as before, any amount you can afford to donate to this cause is greatly appreciated! Many thanks for all of your help!